Chapter 36

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Alex drifted slowly back to consciousness. Blinking, her eyelids scratched her eyeballs. Turning on her side, she curled into a foetal position as her eyes closed. Sleep evaded her. Breathing deep a few times, she turned onto her other side.

Running her fingertips against the stonewall, she breathed deep again. Strained her ears. Silence. Just like in a morgue. The thought crossed her mind. Rolling onto her back. Light filtered through the side gaps of the block-out-blinds.

Groping for her cell phone, she pushed the power button. The light illuminated the dark. "Damn it! 14:30." Scrolling and pressing buttons, she tried the search the net. "No signal. Great!" Plugging in earphones, she put on some music. Light classical music filled the room and she turned the volume down. Settling, she closed her eyes.


Beep-beep-beep! The alarm sounded. "Ugh!" Groaning, she fumbled for the switch on her headboard. Pushing. Bright fluorescent light filled the room. Ouch! Squinting, she clamped a hand over her eyes. Slowly letting her eyes adjust. Sitting up, she yawned. Coffee would be nice. Getting to her feet, the soft bristles of the carpet cushioned her feet as she headed for the chair by the desk.

Digging for a pair of comfortable pants, she stopped, frowning. Where are my sweatpants? Digging some more. Ugh! Flinging the pack aside. Smack! It hit the wall. Thump! It landed on the crumpled bedding. I need coffee! Her chewing-gum-brain screamed as she walked back to bed.

Turning the pack upside down, she shook. Plop-plop-plop! The contents dropped onto the bed. Rummaging through the items. "Nice genius!" She threw her hands in the air. "You forgot to pack sweatpants."

Plucking pieces of clothing from the bed, she dressed yawning. "Man, vampire hours are a real killer." She moaned. Grabbing a comb. Mercilessly she roughly pulled it through her hair. OUCH-OUCH-OUCH.

In the matchbox bathroom, she splashed her face with cold water. Brushed her teeth and gargled with mouthwash. Yikes! Leaning closer to the mirror. Is that me? Eyeing her reflection. Bloodshot eyes. Pasty skin. Wayward curls. Licking her fingers, she smoothed them down, bouncing back stubbornly. With a sigh, she tied her hair into a ponytail. "Oh well, this will have to do." She talked to herself before leaving her room.

Outside, she started in a direction. Halfway stopping. Where am I going? Glancing up and down the empty, silent corridor with a frown.

"Are you lost?" A voice asked.

"Jeepers!" Jumping, she shrieked.

A huvir materialized. He was a little taller, with screaming red-hair, biscuit coloured skin, and lime green eyes.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." he said. "I am Carlos." His baby face grinning as he introduced himself.

"Where did you come from?" she asked, suspicious. Backing away.

"I was right here."

"No you weren't." She argued. "I would have seen you."

"Oops," he said, shrugging. "It seems I still can't control this one."

"This one?"

"One of my abilities is teleporting."

"You can teleport?"

He nodded. "You are the new girl Alex, right?"

Squaring her shoulders. "I am a woman, not a girl!" She snapped. "I am almost 30 years old." She informed him glaring.

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