Chapter 54

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Xander arrived home first, followed by Leona, then Alex. Leona unlocked the door. Xander pushed passed. With long strides, he headed for his room. Bang! The door slammed. Frowning, she followed her brother.

This is not the time to be childish. Knock-knock. "Xander?"

"Go away!" He growled.

She sighed. Maybe I was too hard on him. "It's OK..."

"No, it is not! I almost killed you!"

"Fat chance. I don't die that easy."

"Just leave me alone."

Leona touched her arm. "Let him be. He needs time."

She shook her arm. "If you want to..."

"Alexandra!" He snapped.

"OK. I get the picture." Alex stomped into the living room. Dropped tired onto a couch. Phew! She sighed. What a mess! Her head rested in her hands and her fingers pulled on loose strands of locks.

Leona sat down quiet and pale. "I don't understand?" she said, confused.

Alex looked up. Poor thing. Must be terrible to be stuck with two supernatural beings.

"The cards showed I won't get bitten."

Alex leaped to her feet. "You consulted cards?" Her tone harsh. The gypsy woman cringed. "I think they forgot to tell you to use common sense." Agitated she paced the floor.

"I... I am sorry." She stammered.

Alex glared. "Cards and predatory nature don't mix." She stopped. "I guess they were right about you not being bitten."

Alex headed for the kitchen. Entered and switched the kettle on. Frustrated, she rummaged in the cupboards for salt, a basin, and a clean cloth. When she turned; the other woman hovered in the door, still looking ghastly white. Her eyes had a haunting confusion hovering in the forefront.

"You look like you could use a shot of brandy." Heading for the minibar in the corner of the living room. She opened the doors, checking the stock. Jack Daniels. At least he has got taste. Taking two balloon glasses, she poured them each a stiff tot before handing one to Leona.

Swirling the amber liquid around, she raised it. "Cheers." Downed her drink in one swig. It burned her throat, warming her stomach. Gasping. Ugha. The warmth spread through her body, making her head spin a little. Clink! Alex set her glass down hard on the tray and marched back.

When she entered the kitchen, the kettle had just finished boiling. Pouring the boiling water into the basin, she dumped a handful of salt in. Then she ripped her T-shirt off. Wiping at dry blood. Pulling a disgusted face. Holding her arm over the basin, she scooped and poured the solution over her wound.

"Son of a..." She breathed deep. Closing her eyes, she repeated the process. Each time hot saltwater fell on the puncture holes, she flinched. "I will need clothes," she told her in an effort to distract herself.

Leona stood quietly at the door, watching. "I have a shirt which will fit you," she moved forward, picked the cloth up, she dipped it in the water. "Here, let me."

Alex's eyes opened. "Do you know anything about first aid?"

"Enough to get me by." Wringing it out, she gently wiped over the puncture holes. "Does it hurt terribly?"

Alex shook her head. "Not as much as it burns." She flinched when Leona poured the solution over again. Gritting her teeth. "This wound is different."

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