Chapter 35

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Knock-knock! Alex started to stir. The first rays of light started to appear. Knock-knock! Bolting up. Stray curls bounced about. A confused expression crossed her face as her eyes settled on unfamiliar furniture. Where am I? How did I get here?

"Alex?" A woman's warm voice called.

Rubbing her eyes, a hand ran down her face. "Yes," she answered groggy. Swing her feet to the ground, she stood. Stretching, she yawned.

"Sorry to bother. José sent me. It's time for dinner." She spoke through the door.

"What's the time?"

"Six o'clock in the morning." Isabella replied. "You slept through yesterday."

"I did."

"Yes, please hurry before we are left with no dinner."

"It's morning!"

"I know. At the House Of Mystery our times are switched."

Yanking the towel off. "Just a minute." Grabbing her backpack, she dug for clothes. "I'll be right out." Hastily she put on a T-shirt and denim, shoved her feet into boots, and headed for the door. On her way, she realized she forgot her underwear and socks.

"Shit," she swore and whirled around.


"I'm coming," she removed her boots. Found socks and put them on. Pulled her arms out of the T-shirt and put her bra on. Raked fingers through her curls, she managed to tame them slightly. Walking towards the door. This is going to be so uncomfortable. She thought as she shimmied in her jeans. Sighing, she yanked the door open.

Startled the woman stumbled back. "Oh, I am Isabella," she introduced herself, extending her hand.

"Alex." Taking the other woman's hand, she shook. "Nice to meet you."

Isabella checked her watch. "We had better get a move on. José doesn't like people who's late."

Darting off, she left Alex no choice but to follow. Barely able to keep up, she hurried after Isabella and managed to enter the dining hall together. Sanguine and huvirs already sat at their tables. Wonder where we are going to sit? Isabella headed to the self-service buffet, which stretched along one wall. Grabbing trays and plates, she handed one to Alex. Before joining the rapid moving queue.

When their turn came, Alex eyed the food with suspicion. "I think I will make a salad," she exchanged her plate for a bowl. Adding lettuce, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese and cucumber, she seasoned with salt, pepper, olive oil and a splash of balsamic vinegar with chilli extract.

Isabella headed for a table. On their way, stares followed them. Alex blushed. Wish they would stop staring.

"Do they always stare like that?" she asked in a whisper.

"You are new so of course they will." A chubby girl snapped.

"That's Kelly," Isabella said, "don't mind her."

To her relief, they reached the corner table and sat down. She didn't feel hungry and pushed her food around. Made an effort to take a bite now and then. With everyone staring, dinner was an ordeal she would go great lengths to avoid. Keeping quiet, she let her new friend do all the talking.

"If you are finished," José said, "please follow me."

Glancing up. "I'm good." Picked her tray up, she dumped the contents in the dustbin on her way out. Then piled it on top of the others. "Where are we headed?"

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