Chapter 63

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Xander came back half an hour later. Walking to the last stall, he entered. So peaceful, he thought as he looked down at his sleeping sister. Tired lines marred her face. Oh Alex, this is all my fault. If I had stayed at home, we would not be in this situation.

A strange red glow started to fill the small stall. He looked at the scattered pieces of the riddle. The outer edges glowing brighter and brighter. What the hell? As if his body had a will of its own, he sat down. Automatically his hand pulled the pieces closer. Words swirled over the paper, talking in a strange language that he didn't understand.

One shone more brightly. Picking it up, he put it down when it stopped shining. The next piece did the same and he repeated the process. When all the pieces laid underneath each other, a blinding flash of light ripped through them as the pieces fused together. The words turned faster and faster, losing their form and taking on different shapes to form a map of some sort.


Alex blinked as a bright light penetrated her closed lids. Sitting up, she rubbed her eyes, scanning her surroundings. "Xander?" She looked at her brother. His body enveloped in a red glow. Where did this light come from? She moved closer. Touched his arm. "Xander?" His blank expression freaking her out.

The light shone a little brighter. She looked down. "The riddle." She gasped, staring at the dancing words, changing into forms and shapes. Is that a map forming? Reaching down she picked it up. Xander growled and she let it go quickly.

"Find the city of the Vampire Bat," he said in a strange voice. "Once there, fight the battle between good and evil."

She frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"The Lost City of the Vampire Bat," he looked at her with his hair-raising expressionless face. "Find it." He grabbed her arm, squeezing. "Fight the battle. Good and evil must stay balanced." he said and the glow started to fade.


She sat staring at him.

Xander shook his head. "What happened?" he asked half-dazed.

"Don't know, but when I woke you were in a trance."

He blinked, staring at the map. "All I remember was I started to put the pieces together."

She bent down picking it up. "You said some pretty strange things."


"Find the City of the Bat and I must fight the battle between good and evil."

He shrugged. "Like I said, I don't remember a thing."

She studied him for a second. "Best we keep mum for now." Stretching, she stopped, touched her ribcage. "Wow."

"Do your ribs still hurt?" he asked concerned.

"No, just the opposite." She frowned. "How strange."

"Seems you retained our ability to heal fast." he said relieved.

"Maybe." Her stomach growled and she checked her watch. "One o'clock in the morning." She commented. "Not the best time to eat. After I finish the rest of my pizza, we should leave." She suggested, sat down, and opened the box. "You'd better pack up." she said while finishing the rest of her pizza while he packed. Scrunch. She crumbled the empty container into a small ball. While licking her fingers.

"Change clothes. I will wait outside." he said and walked out.

She tossed the crumpled box aside. Stared down at her tattered clothes, sighing. Dragging her old backpack near, she rummaged inside. Retrieved a clean T-shirt, she stripped the old dirty one off, then pulled a clean one on. Dirty bandages, a tattered T-shirt, and garbage lay in a heap.

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