Chapter 26

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The aroma of freshly brewed strong coffee tickled Alex's nose. Stiring, her eyes fluttered open. Moonlight bathed her room in soft cold light. For a moment, she stared into oblivion, sighed sleepily, then turned on her side.

"Wake up sleepy head." Miguel said fondly. Smiling, she walked closer with a mug.

"What time is it?" she asked, alarmed. Struggling out from under her warm duvet.


Man vampires sure kept strange hours. A yawn escaped. Covering her mouth, she mumbled, "Sorry." Rubbing her eyes, she focused hard on the mug. Took a careful sip. Yuck! Her face pulled disgusted. "I don't take sugar." Standing, she handed it back to him. "Gives me an instant migraine," she explained when he frowned.

Rubbing her face, she started in the direction of the walk-in-closet. Feet dragging with each step. Bang! The door slammed against the wall as she entered. Retrieving gym clothes, she started to pull her pyjama pants down.

"Ahem!" He coughed and she shot up.

Her first reaction was to yank her pants up, but she stopped. Grinning. Payback time. Glancing over her shoulder she asked, "What, not watching?" Her voice full of amusement.

"Meet me in the gym." he said emotionless as he headed for the door.

A chuckle escaped before she could stop herself. "You didn't seem to mind yesterday evening." She taunted with twinkling eyes.

"I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe." he replied and walked out.

Her smile turned into a glare. Oh, now you got manners! Yanking her pyjamas off, cold air brushed her skin. A violent shiver raked her body. Practically jumping in her clothes, she rubbed her whole body, while her teeth chattered. Better get a move on, she thought and dumped her pyjamas down the laundry shaft on her way out.

Eerie silence cloaked her as she stepped into the corridor. Stopping. Creepy fingers traced her spine. Shivering. Is someone watching me? Her eyes darted around. Studying the shadows for a second. Nothing. Stop being so superstitious! Her mental-self snapped. Shaking her head, she took a couple of steps. Damn! This place sure seems creepy these days.

"You better get a move on." Danny said and materialized out of one of the shadows.

"Eek!" She jumped, squealing.

"You're not the only one with special abilities." He giggled.

Smack! She swatted his arm. "Don't do that!" Clutching her chest, her heart raced. Glaring, she tried to think of a comeback.

"Move your ass, you're late." he said, disappearing as he spoke.

"Darn it!" Frowning, she glanced around. "How did he do that?" You're all alone, her mental-self taunted. Shut up! She snapped angrily, squaring her shoulders. Scanning her surroundings, she relaxed a little. Everything seemed to be OK. Taking a deep, calming breath, she proceeded with caution.

Five minutes later, she marched into the gym door. Darkness surrounded her. Stopping dead in her tracks, she nervously scanned the room. Mental pictures from yesterday bombarded her. Fumbling for a light switch. Unbelievable! She fumed. Don't they believe in lights? Her hand found it. Out of the shadows black figures appeared. A chill ran up her back. Instinctively, she went into a crouching position.

"Relax, it's us," Arianna reassured.

As she stood up, tension flowed from her shoulders to her feet. Walking to the centre, she planted her feet apart. "So, what are we doing today?" she asked nonchalantly, masking her unease.

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