Chapter 18

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I woke Brooklyn up and got her dress, she doesn't know her daddy is coming so this is gonna be a big surprise and she loves surprises a lot. I got her dressed and feed her breakfast. We left house and went to the air strip. Cee was already there and he had I big grin on his face.

Daddy !!! Brooklyn jumped out her booster seat and open the car door and ran to him. I followed behind. I really missed my big brother being around. But I realized that Shannon wasn't with him.

After we got back in the car and started driving to his new house I asked him about her. He kind of looked at me all weird, but explained everything. We we're on the highway and I notice that we are being followed. So I took the wrong exit.

Cee caught on immediately. I drove normal because I didn't want to scare Brooklyn. I realized where I was and Mimi house was right up the block, so I drove there. I pulled in the driveway and her car was out front. Thank God. I took Brooklyn out her seat and we knocked on her door. She opened and smiled.

Hey girl thanks so much for letting me keep little Mama for the weekend. My goddaughter is so much fun. Mimi caught on pretty fast, faster then usually. I let them go inside and got back in the car. I drove off and still pretending that I don't see them.

We drove around and stop in mall parking lot. We got out and went inside the mall. I saw Mel , Jason, and NaNa but I didn't want who ever was following us to know that we knew them.

A girl came up to us in a footlocker uniform.

Shannon ! What are you doing here. Cee looked up at her.

Shh, be quite. I'm trying to help you. We followed her into the footlocker store and we went to the back.

Can you tell me what the fuck is going on!? Cee looked at her.

Well my brother kinda wants to kill you. Hi my name is Shannon, it's nice to meet you Jazz. I've Heard so much about you.

Women if you don't explain I will kill you. Cee was getting upset. I could see it in his face and hear it in his voice.

Okay okay fine. I told my brother what happened between us and he just flipped. I told him it was my idea but he still was upset about Kayla. I tried I really did, but once something is in my brother's head it ain't going no where.

Are these new? I asked Shannon pointing at the Jordan's on the shelf next to us.

Yeah they just came in yesterday. I work in the one Cali and they are a lot cheaper over there. I gotta get my ass back home. A black in NY is like $1.75, hell no.

I grabbed the shoe in my size and they we're great.

Yo Jazz what the fuck. Someone trying to kill me and you look for new kicks.

Sorry Cee. I pouted and put my head down.

What's ya bro name.?

His name is Marcus. When she said the name I almost dropped dead.

Not S.M.W. Marcus? I looked at Shannon.

Yes omg you know my brother! Awesome sauce!

What was Cee smoking when he was with this girl. I shook my head and laughed.

Cee he is my supplier. I can't lose him. You need to fix this and fix it now.

I got it sis. I just need you to get your men together. Cee walked back out front and we followed. Shannon came back with us to my house after we lost Marcus guys.

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