Chapter 12 I Haven't Got a Hangover - But He Did

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It was a Saturday so there wouldn't be any classes today. I woke up late realizing that I stayed the night in Jeanne's room after helping Ed the Drunken. I sat up just to see Ed puking inside a bucket. The sight made me jumped out of bed and ran over to the corner to avoid getting near to Ed.

"Awwwhh.. C'mon! Do it in the bathroom!" Disgusted.

Ed looked up with his face sweaty and pale. His eyes were sore and watery. He had a pinkish nose and a lousy look on his face when he spoke. "Iris.." His voice croaked. "I'm having a hangover."

"I noticed. " I replied. "This." I said pointing at him and all his mess. "Is all your fault."

Ed whined. "I know. And I'm kind of sorry." He answered. "But seriously, you have to deal with me right now." He tried smiling but ended up filling the bucket again.

I looked away not wanting to see Ed's puke and to avoid me from puking too. "J! Where art thou?!" I screamed asking. "Help me deal with Ed!"

No answer.

"She's out searching for Liv." Ed answered without looking up. "Liv usually appear in the morning after a party. She always comes back here."

"And she didn't? You think she'll be alright?" I was worried.

Ed didn't answer. "Ed, come on, answer me."

He looked up. He coughed. "You, Iris Paige, is having a conversation with a person having a hangover." He paused. "Don't expect instant replies because if I tried talking quickly, I assure you. Something else than words would fly out." He threatened.

Though the thought made me puke a bit in my mouth. "I see your point." I said. "Vividly."

Ed sighed. "I don't know about Liv, but I know that she is more than capable in taking care of herself."

"I'm going to find Jeanne and Liv." I said as I opened the door. I glanced at Ed. "You'll be okay right?"

He gave me a slight nod. "Oh, I'm A-Okay."

I went back to my place to change my clothes and find Cash recklessly asleep. I tip-toed my way to the bathroom, hoping not waking Cash then tip-toed back out being carefully subtle. Cash stayed silently asleep when I went out of the room. Then I went searching for Jeanne and Liv all over campus.

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