Chapter 17 The Avengers

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"Oh, I'm so happy.." My voice trailed off at the sight of Jeanne's uneasy expression. "What's wrong?" Her eyes stayed locked on me as she bit her lip. The move made me even more nervous. "Is it-"

"No, it's not Liv." She mumbled. "It's Who."

Oh God. "You found something?" I asked as she made opened her laptop quickly and clicked on a file.

"Ed sent me this." Jeanne turned the laptop screen around.

I didn't gasp. Anyone who had to see this picture should have or would have gasp or close their eyes. A girl around my age was slumped on the floor after being brutally murdered. Blood splattered as a background with pieces of wood from a broken dining table laid around the area.

The girl who laid down had her eyes closed on her calm face surrounded with bloodied wounds. I will find him.


The girl who laid down, may she rest in peace. I will make him pay for the wrong things he did.

"Iris? Snap out."

The girl who laid down though I have never met you, I will make a promise. I will avenge you. And get Who.

"Snap out of it!"

I blink twice out of shock and noticed that the picture was no longer displayed. I felt a sharp sting on both of my palms and realized that they were both forming a fist. I opened them both and saw a bit of red coming out of nail marks on my palm. "You should put some bandages around that." Jeanne said trying to sound calm but I knew she was scared and worried. What I don't know is what she was worried about, Who or me.

I gave a slight nod as she went away to search for bandages. The liquid trickled along the lines of my palm, though there had not been a lot of blood spilled, it still managed to make the injury looked bad. I tried to move my fingers and it made the pain became clear. "Ahh.." The pain traveled from my palm to my fingertips in sort of a vibration. Just then, Jeanne came back with a long white strip bandage and ask me to keep both of my palms opened.

"You should take control Iris." She told me as she wiped the blood of my palm. "You were in some sort of trance but you had that vengeful look on your face. What's that about?"

I winched as the wet cloth touched one of the deep marks. "I-I don't know. I guess the picture surprised me or something." I lied.

She took a long strip and covered it around my hand. She knew I wasn't telling her something but she didn't ask anyways. It's just that hard to lie to a person who knew she's smarter than you. Jeanne cleaned up the rest of the bandages and put away the bloody cloth. "Thanks." I said to her.

"No biggie."

She took a long look at her laptop and then went over to it to click on a file. It was the picture she showed me, the crime scene. "Now.. How are we gonna deal with this?"

I sat down thinking but nothing came up. "We have 3 great minds, you, me and Ed. Combine these and I think we'll be okay."

Jeanne nodded in understanding. Without taking her eyes off the screen she spoke out a statement."A trap then?"

I stood up and with full reassurance I said. "Definitely."

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