Chapter 13 The Friendship Rift

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"J, leave me alone! Just DONT!" Someone shouted whom had to be Liv.

They were arguing on a bench together in one of the hallways when Liv started to shout and walked away. Jeanne just sat there, she didn't get up or even called back on Liv. I hid behind one of the pillars so none of them would see me; I really do not think it is best for me to get involved in this one. Liv walked out of sight and then Jeanne suddenly called me. To my surprise she noticed me standing behind the one of the pillars.

"Iris, just come out." Jeanne sighed. I did. I sat next to Jeanne and asked her what happened.

"J, what's up?" I asked as Jeanne shook her head and gave me a smile.

"The sky is up. The clouds are up. The ceiling is up." She said pointing above then looked. "I don't want to talk about it Iris." She sighed. " Liv can sometimes be so stubborn that I stopped caring."

"It's fine Jeanne." I gave her a sincere look hoping it would lift a smile on her face. But nothing. I patted her on the back and stood up. "Sometimes when that person is stubborn you have to be stubborn too."

Jeanne looked at me confused. "What?"

"Be stubborn Jeanne. Be stubborn in caring for her." I answered. "If you're not gonna do it then who would? Because that's what friends are for."

I walked away and I didn't look back.

I know what I said and I believed its true.


It had been weeks since the party and Jeanne and Liv were still having fights. Neither of them told me anything about what the fights all about so I have no clue how to fix or deal with it. Ed and I grew a bit frustrated about the problem and we meet up often to discuss possible resolutions to end the crisis.

"Seriously, this is the 2015 crisis. J and Liv had never been apart! They literally met when they were babies." Ed argued but his voice slowly fades.

I nodded trying to keep up, but I had something else bugging me in my mind. I kept thinking about ways to figure out who was behind my attempt murder. Just how. To find who.

Ed abruptly stopped in front of me and I barely stumbled in shock.

I was about to shout at him but he spoke first. "Something bothers you." He said. "What is it?"

"Me almost bumping into you since you clumsily stopped in front of me?" I questioned obviously. He gave me a flat face.

"It's not about me." he stated. " Seriously what's going on? Jeanne and Liv are in the middle of breaking apart and now you're acting weird." Disappointment filled his words.

Just tell him! Maybe he could help in searching for who! A part of me said.

But then came the other part. Don't. He's already got a problem to worry on, he doesn't need another one.

Yeah, but he could help.. No, this is my own problem..

I glanced at Ed. Since Liv and Jeanne fought, Ed had been alone most of the time. He became less humorous, less fun; he's not the normal Ed. Maybe he needed to take his mind of the Jeanne and Liv fight.

I sighed. "Promise me you won't tell anyone."

Ed's face lit up like a child being given toys for Christmas. "Promise. I Won't tell, I won't spill." He gave me his pinky and I crossed it with mine.

I took a deep breath. "This may sound crazy.. " I assured Ed. "But I think I'm a target." I told him nervously.

He gave me a look of surprise. "Target as in-"

"Wanted dead." I finished. "I think someone's trying to kill me."

Target : Prodigy (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now