Chapter 15 Mind Play

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I spent my afternoon with Ed dusting off shelves and desks in Ms. Fitzgerald's class. We didn't volunteer, we were asked too after being late to get to class for half an hour. It was either this every week for a month or detention everyday for the same time; Ed and I chose the same forced after school activity. We spent a half hour cleaning up the math classroom as it wasn't that dirty. Ed joked saying it was a good thing we weren't late for biology or else we'd be cleaning up more than dust. I laughed out loud and so did he. The clock showed five P.M when we finished doing our school chore. Ed said he was already hungry so he headed to the cafeteria while I head back to my room to take a bath and do a bit of cleaning up.

"See you later?" He said while rubbing his neck as we walked apart. I couldn't help but notice he was nervous for something.

I replied and smiled. "See you soon." He blushed and turned around quickly giving me only a glimpse of his unusual expression.

This wasn't my usual Monday but I'm glad to have spent it that way. I ran happily to my room and then took a quick bath. I saw Cash reading another scientific book with her headphones on blasting with rock music. She took a glimpse only to see me come in then went back to her book, no 'hello's or 'where have you been' or maybe a nod. I didn't expect much of a welcome so I didn't try either. In around 15 minutes I finished my cleaning up and went to the cafeteria.


I grabbed dinner and went searching for Ed in this sea of people. It felt like drowning since most of the others were taller than me so I had to tip-toed my way to a table located on the corner of the room. Ed sat there talking to Jeanne but there was someone missing. Liv hadn't make things right with Jeanne.

"Hey." I said and took a seat next to Jeanne.

Jeanne smiled while Ed said Hi back. "Still trouble with Liv?" I asked her.

Jeanne replied with a nod. I looked away to my chicken sandwich, feeling guilty for asking. We all had a moment of silence in the middle of this rather noisy room. Jeanne suddenly sighed aloud breaking the silence and asked me about my life threatening problem. I was surprised that Jeanne knew and I instantly looked at Ed giving him a mad glare. "You told her?!"

"I-I.." He could only stutter when Jeanne raised a hand and interrupted. "I heard."

What do you mean you heard? "What?"

"Well.. I spied." Jeanne told me straightforwardly.

I couldn't say anything else because there was nothing else to say. Unbelievable! Tremendously unexpected! "What the hell?!"

Jeanne raised her shoulders as a reply with her face looking innocent like she did nothing wrong. "Hey I can help."

Again, unbelievable! At the time I was truly speechless. I was angry, confused and astonished. The mix of emotions made me want to explode. I felt like a ticking time bomb. My hands formed fists as I started shaking but then it all came out as a huge irritated sigh. "So what have you not heard?"

Jeanne gave a sly smile. "Everything. "

Her answer made me realized that I had acted too quick and foolish. "Damn it, you have no idea how dumb I feel right now." I sighed. "Well played Ms. Livingstone."

Jeanne snickered and gave me a slight nod. "Okay, so what's going on?" her smile faded and turned into a concerned look.

I turned to Ed who looked surprised then back to Jeanne who was rather satisfied with her trap. "Can't really get out of this can I?"

"No, not really." Ed said. Jeanne heard the whole story and she believed me. She didn't say much afterwards but one thing.

"Well, let's get this bastard who did this!"

A/n: Hope you guys enjoyed these first 15 chapters! I'll be updating soon, just you guys wait! Oh! N Don't forget to vote and all!


- Wowdisishard

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