chapter twenty-five

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I woke up the next morning to the smell of french toast. I sat up and stretched to see it was 12 pm. I reached over to Mike who surprisingly wasn't there. I yawned and got out of bed. I changed into leggings and a big hoodie. I brushed my teeth and tied my hair into a loose bun. I slipped on Mike's slippers and went down to the kitchen.
"Good morning.", Mike said as I entered.
"Good morning to you.", I replied as I went to hug him from behind. I laid my head on to his back.
"The guys got up early and had major munchies again. They sent Jack to get you but I was like do not disturb and came myself. Sit, I'll make you some.", he said as he flipped some toast. I smiled into his back and then took my seat at the counter table.
"Why did they leave so early?", I said. Mike came to me with a plate of freshly made french toast. He sighed and came around me. He hugged me from behind, his hands on my belly.
"Well, Jack and Alex have to go practice for an upcoming tour and Austin and the guys have warped tour coming up.", he said.
"Oh yeah, they're playing the last few shows in August. Damn that's coming soon.", I said as I grabbed a banana for my toast.
"Yeah. It's almost time for my Bentley to be here.", he said. I chuckled.

"Yup. He's almost here.", I said as I touched his hands and looked at him. He chuckled and our lips met.
"Gross. Why so early in the morning?", Jaime said as him and Jessica walked into the kitchen.
'Well hello to you too. How you feeling?", Mike said.
"I'm hungry as fuck and smell like hella weed. Did we smoke last night?", Jessica asked.
"Yeah you did. A lot. Danielle had enough for like weeks worth and you guys tumbled that all.", I said. Her and Jaime both sighed.
"Well whatever. What's done is done. I need food.", Jessica said.
"Coming right up.", Mike said as he went back to the stove. Jaime came and sat next me. He laid his head onto my shoulder.
"You're so soft.", he said. I chuckled.
"What do you want?", I asked. He looked up at me.
"What makes you think I want something? I just want to cuddle you close cause you're so nice and soft and I love how you smell.", he said. I raised and eyebrow at him.
"Ok fine. Can I borrow your car tonught? Mines out of gas and Jess and I want to go out tonight.", he said.
"What! No. Not my baby. Take someone elses car.", I said.
"But your're the only one here with a vintage slug bug and its a convertible.", he said.
"So?", I responded.
"Its badass as fuck. Come on only tonight. Please come on.", he whined. I sighed.
"Fine but take good care of it. That was a graduation gift imported straight from mexico from my poppa.", I said. He gave me a big smile and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you.", he said.
"Yeah yeah yeah.", I said.
"Jessy come help.", he said. Jessica came over and hugged giving me kisses on the cheek.
"OK I get it.", I said laughing. They laughed and took a seat.
"I smell french toast. Who's cooking?", Erin said as her and Tony came in.
"Sit I'll get you a plate.", Mike said.
"Mike is cooking breakfast. Holy shit.", Erin said as they took a seat.
"He's actually pretty good.", Jaime said.
"Yeah. I can actually keep it down.", Jessica added. We laughed.
"Its not good, its amazing.", I said."Thanks babe.", he said as he handed Erin and Tony a plate. I smiled.
"I can smell something good.", Vic said as he came in.

"Just in time. Come sit bro.", Mike said as he grabbed another plate.
"Hey Mike, can I actually talk to you for a second?", Vic asked. Mike looked at him.
"Umm, yeah sure.", he said as he laid his spaula down. They walked over to the laundry room. I could help but to ease drop.
"What's wrong bro?", Mike whispered. Vic sighed.
"I don't know. Ok, this is gunna be weird but.... I woke up this morning and my.... dick was like stinging like really fucking bad. I asked Danielle and she doesn't remember a single thing.", Vic said. I looked at Mike's face and started to laugh. They looked at me. Then Mike followed me.
"Ok, well obviously you two know what happened.", Vic said as he came back to the kitchen. Mike followed and went to the stove.
"What you mean what happened?", Jaime said. I looked at Mike and he looked back at me.
"Well, last night when you guy were higher than space.... Vic, you asked Danielle if she wanted to try anal.", I said. Everyone stared at Vic. Jessica and Erin broke the slience and started to laugh. Tony and Jaime followed.
"Oh my fucking god! Are you serious?", Jaime said.
"I got it all on video., Mike said. They laughed even more.

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