chapter sixteen

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"Jess?", I croaked.

"Are you out?", she said.

"Yes. Can I come over?", I cried softly.

"Please. I'm waiting for you.", she said in relieve.

"I'll be there in like 40 minutes maybe and hour. There's traffic.", I said softly.

"Ok. I got time to go buy some food.", she said.

"Cheesecake and pizza. Lots of it.", I said. She laughed.

"Ok see you soon.", she said as we hung up.

~ ~ At home ~ ~

"Mike bro. How could you let this slip?", Vic said.

"Vic, you know I didn't do it. You remember how Stacy was. She came at me.", Mike said. They still were outside on the back porch. Mike finishing up his cig.

"Michael!", Danielle yelled.

"Fuck.", Mike said under his breath.

"Michael did you really do this? You just lost Evelin. How could you do this? Are you stupid?!", she yelled.

"Danielle...", Vic said.

"Don't talk to me. I'm not wasting my time on you after what you did.", she snapped at him. Vic froze. Danielle looked back at Mike.

"Why?", she said.

"Why what?", he said as he walked in and sat on the couch. He let out a deep sigh as he fell onto the couch. Danielle followed.

"Why did you let this happen?", she said softly. Mike's face went soft.

"Danielle. Believe in me. I didn't do anything. You know how much I love Evelin. Yes, I kissed the girl but I was forced too. Danielle please believe me. No one else know how much I love Evelin better than you do.", he said. Tears escaped his eyes.

"Oh my god you're crying.", Danielle said.

"Well yes. I'm crying. I just lost the best thing that could ever happen to me.", he said. Danielle sat next to him.

"Mike just give her time. She needs some time to be alone.", she cried.

"Yeah, but I need her.", Mike said as he twirled my ring between his fingers.

~ ~ Jessicas's hotel ~ ~

I drove up to Jess's door. I got out of my car and knocked on her door. She opened it and squealed.

"Evelin!", she said as she hugged me. I laughed and hugged her back. I felt tears escape my eyes.

"Jessy I missed you much.", I said.

"I missed you too. Oh my god your huge for only 6 months.", she said as she let go. I laughed.

"I know. I feel like I'm going to explode.", I said as I touched my belly. She laughed.

"Come in. I have a pizza in the oven.", she said.

"Yes. I'm starving.", I said. We laughed and went in.

~ ~ 1 month ~ ~

7 months pregnant. July

Living with Jessica has been difficult. Especially with a big round ball in my way. Jess has been helping a lot. We been going to the library to read baby books and been trying breathing classes. Everything could be better with Mike though.

"Jessica, I have an appointment today. You want to go?", I said.

"What kind of appointment?", she asked. I laughed.

One Hundred Sleepless Nights (Sequel to Hell over me Pierce The Veil Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now