chapter nine

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I woke up the next morning in bed with Mike's arms around me. I looked at the clock and it read 1 pm. I slowly got out of Mike's embrace and headed to the bathroom. I felt nausea as I got up and of course everything came up. I ran to the toilet and hovered over it. As I was finishing up, I heard Mike snap a picture.

"Mike! No!"! I said as I cleaned up.

"What? It's a mommy in process picture.", he said. I brushed me teeth and changed into leggings and a Dropdead sweater. We walked out into the living and surprisingly it was dark.

"Thats weird.", I said. I walked over to the window and opened the curtains.
"The sun. Oh god it's burns.", Mike said as he cover himself in blankets.
"Oh stop. Come we have to help with Christmas breakfast so we can go back to the cabin.", I said. He smiled and dressed into a sweater and jeans and we met my family in the kitchen. Mom cooked up some good breakfast and soon it was time for us to go.
"Thank so much for letting us stay here. I enjoyed it.", Mike told my parents.
"Hey. My casa tu casa. You're welcome anytime.", my dad said. I hugged my parents good bye and we left for the cabin. As we drove there, I got a text from my cousin Pamela.
PAM: Why didn't you tell me you were here?! Where you staying?
ME: The cabin. Come say hi!
PAM: On my way
I smiled and Mike noticed.
"Oooo, you smiling. Why you smiling?", he said.
"My cousin Pam is coming to see us. I've missed her so much. When we were teenagers, she was literally there for all the time.", I said. He took my hand.
"Is she meeting us at the cabin.", he asked. I nodded.
We continued our way to the cabin and soon reached it. I was super happy when I saw my cousins car there. As soon as we stopped, I got out and was greeted by her hug.
"Oh my god. Please never leave. I missed you so much.", she said. I couldn't help but tear up alittle.
"God. You don't know how much I've needed you.", I said. She laughed. We let go and laughed at each other.
"Pam. This is Mike. My boyfriend. He the drummer from Pierce The Veil.", I told he as Mike got out of the car.
"Well. Never thought I'd be talking to you. Welcome to the family.", she said as she shook his hand.
"Nice to meet you. I feel like I've met so many of you guys know.", he said.
"Oh. He met your mom and dad?", she said.
"Yeah. And my aunts and uncles and cousins and yeah. Pretty much everyone.", I said. She laughed.

"Let's go for a walk. I been dying to see what it look like in the winter. Mom said there was river down here.", I said. We agreed and started down the trail behind the cabin. We walked up forward and came upon the river and it was gorgeous. We went deeper and soon met up with a puddle that didn't see and started to slip.

"Fuck! Oh my god." I said as I grabbed on to Mike. I finally caught balance and laughed.

"Are you ok?", Pamela said in between laughs.

"Yes. Oh my god. My life flashed before my eyes.", I said.

"So you grab on to me?", Mike said.

"Mike. We go together or we don't go down at all babe.", I said. He laughed. We heard laughing from behind and saw Vic and Danielle laughing.

"What are you guys doing here and why are you laughing?" I said. They ignored me and continued to laugh. I squinted my eyes at them. I walked over to the pile of snow and made a perfect snowball.

"Evelin, if you throw that you'll trigger them. I swear.", Mike said. I gave her an evil smile and looked back at the laughing baffoons. I aimed for Vic and threw it. The snowball went straight to his stomach.

"Hey!", he said. Me, Mike, and Pamela ran into the woods and hid behind the trees. They followed. Mike and I went separate ways and his. We heard them stop near us.

"This isn't fair.", Vic said.

"Don't you try to blame this on me.", I sang.

"My love for you was bulletproof..", Mike sang.

One Hundred Sleepless Nights (Sequel to Hell over me Pierce The Veil Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now