chapter six

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We all went to the bowling alley down town. As soon as we got there, I saw Erin's car. We parked and she soon came out when she saw me and Mike.

"Evelin, Mike. Oh my god. Its Pierce the Veil.", she said as he jumped alittle.

"And this must be Erin.", Danielle said.

"Yes. Guys this is Erin, my friend from college. Erin, this is Danielle and Jessica. They've been my friends since middle school and you know the boys.", I said as I pointed to them.

"Of course I do. Nice to meet you all.", she said. We laughed.

"Alrighty then, now that everyone knows each other, let's do some bowling.", Jaime said. We all cheered and walked in. We all got our shoes while Tony and Erin found us a booth. I watched Tony approach her.

After a few rounds, we all got hungry and decided to eat at Applebee's across the street.

"No use of cars if its right across the street. Fuck it, cross the border this shit.", Mike said. He took my hand and we ran across the street. We were soon on the other side of the road looking at everyone else.

"Hurry the light is red!", Mike yelled. Everyone soon ran hand in hand to us. We all laughed and headed to Applebee's.

"So, then Tony was on roof and we're all like ' Tony why are you on the roof? ' and he looks down and is like ' Why aren't you on the roof.", Vic said as he told us a story of Tony. We laughed as Tony turned bright red.

"The effects of alcohol.", he said. Erins laughs.

"That's cute.", she said. He blushes.

"So guys tomorrow, Evelin and I will be 9 months. December 17.", Mike said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Ohhh"s and Awww's went around our table.

"9 months with this amazing guy and many many more to come.", I said. He smiled and we kissed.

"What's your secret?", Jaime said.

"Secret?", I said. He chuckles.

"Yea. I mean there has to be a secret to this relationship.", he said. I laughed and looked at Mike. He shrugged.

"Its the sex. Its so freaking amazing.", he said. I turned bright red.

"Mike! Come on. We're eating.", Vic said. Everyone laughed.

"Evelin's birthday is coming up too.", Jessica said.

"Oh yeah. December 31st.", Danielle said.

"Wait your birthday is on New Year's Eve?", Jaime said. I nodded.

"Yes. Oh my god. I still remember the whole story my mom told me.", I said.

"Ooooo, I wanna hear.", Jaime said. I laughed.

"Well, my entire family planned a New Year's Eve dinner. I mean there were tacos, tamales, posole, I mean everything. But that same morning as they were cooking everything, my mom's water broke and she was rushed to the hospital. The only two that stayed behind were my two uncles. They all blame me for ruining the dinner, but they say I was a blessing too.", I said.

"Evelin! They had tacos!", Tony said. I laughed.

"I know Tony. I had to come out though. That place gets tight you know.", I said as I touched my tummy. They laughed.

"So Erin, I heard you wanted to be the merch girl.", Mike said. Erin turned red.

"Let me guess, Evelin told you.", she said. I gave her a thumbs up. She laughs.

One Hundred Sleepless Nights (Sequel to Hell over me Pierce The Veil Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now