chapter thirteen

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I woke up the next morning tired and sore. I slid from under Mike'a arms and covers and changed into leggings and and over sized OM&M sweater. I out my hair up in a bun and went to Jaime and Jessica's room. Jaime was up.

"Oh Jaime. I didn't see you there.", I said. He yawned.

"It's ok. Let me get dress.", he said as he pulled over a shirt.

"Ok. I'll wait out here.", I said I left the room. After a few minutes, he was out.

I smiled.

"Why are you up? I thought you were Jessica.", I said.

"Sorry. Jess told me she was getting the paints. But we were up all night thinking about throwing you a surprise baby shower. Which kinda isn't a surprise anymore fuck.", he said. I chuckled and grabbed two breakfast smoothies. We walked out to car and drive to Baby R Us.

"A baby shower? Don't you think it's kinda early for that?", I said.

"I don't think. I mean it's never early. Time flies.", he said. I chuckled and rubbed my tummy.

"This booger is gunna be loved so much I swear.", I said. He laughed.

"I know I am. He's gunna love his uncle Jaime. Gunna get him a shirt that says that too.", he said. I laughed.

"Vic beat you to it.", I said. He looked at me.

"That don't matter.", he said. I laughed. We arrived at Baby's R Us and got the paints I ordered. We went back home and I went straight to the nursery to leave the paint buckets and then went to mine and Mike's room. He was still sleeping. I chuckled and went over to him.

"Mike. Mike.", I said. He groaned.

"I just came back from the store. I'll be in the nursery if you need me ok?", I whispered to him as I kissed his cheek. He hummed yes and smiled. I laughed and kissed him on the lips.

"Don't take long please.", he whined. I laughed.

"I'll try not to.", I said and took my radio before I left the room. I went back to the nursery and plugged in my iPod. Hell Above started to play.

"Perfect.", I said and opened the paint buckets. I looked at the album cover of Collide With The Sky and started. As I painted, I started to think of Sarah. It's only been a day, but I wondered how she was. I pulled out my phone and looked her up. Luckily I found her on Tumblr. I dialed her number and set my phone between my ear and shoulder.

"Hello?", Sarah said.

"Hey Sarah. It's Evelin. How you doing?", I said.

"Evelin. Oh my god I never would have thought Evelin Torres would be talking to me on the phone. I'm doing great now.", she said.

"Good. So did you tell Eric about me yet?", I said. She laughed.

"He didn't believe me until I showed him the picture. He got super jealous.", she said. I laughed.

"Well that's always great to know. Anyways, my friends are throwing me a baby shower in a few months and I was wondering if you would like to come?", I asked. I could hear her fangirl from the other side.

"Oh my god. Of course I would like to go. I'll make sure to bring Eric and my mom. My dad might be up here too. Oh my god thank you.", she said. I chuckled.

"You're welcome. Well I'm gunna let you go. I'm painting the nursery today and I'll need all the time I have. Remember that I love you and I'm always here. I'm just a phone call away.", I said.

"Oh have fun with that and thank you. I love you too.", she said and we hung up. I took a deep breath.

"Let's finish this bitch.", I said to myself and continued on the painting.

One Hundred Sleepless Nights (Sequel to Hell over me Pierce The Veil Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now