chapter four

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2 days after the last concert, we finally flew back home. As we arrived and unpacked our cars, I went to my room and called my mom. She hasn't heard the news.

"Hello?", she said.
"Mami?", I said as my voice cracked.
"Mija, what's wrong?", she said. I knew she knew I was crying.
"I lost the baby.", I cried in a whisper. There was a silence. I knew she heard me.
"Oh mija...."
"Mami, I don't know what to do. I hate myself so much. I was so excited for this. Everyone was. Now, I lost it.", I cried.
"Mija don't say that. Everyone still loves you. It was all part of nature. Mija, it wasn't your time.", she said.
"You think mom?", I sad.
"I know. You'll be having much more babies in the future. I promise.", she said. I chuckled.
"Thanks mami. I really needed to talk to you.", I said.
"I'm only a phone call away if you need me.", she said. I laughed and we hung up.

"Did mami make it better?", Mike said as he leaned against the door. I was startled.
"Jeez Mike, you scared me.", I said. He laughs and comes up to me. He wraps his arms around my waist. I wrapped mine around his neck.
"Tony was right you know. You would have been a great mom. A hot, sexy, beautiful mom.", he said. I smiled and kissed him.
"And you would have been a great dad. A hot, tattooed, drum banging dad.", I said. He laughs and kissed me. I smiled in between.
"I love it when you do that.", he said. I smiled and kissed him again.

~ ~ ~

I had a little funeral done for my little one. Just between us. We all drove down to the cemetery and gave our little sea monkey his own tombstone. I had time to say my last goodbye.
"Hi, honey. It's me your mommy. You know I'll always love you. I was going to name you Bentley if you were a boy and if you were a girl, I was going to name your Xochitl. Either way, you'll always be mommies little angel.", I said. I placed blue daises and stood up. Mike hugged me and I cried in his chest.
"We'll get through this together.", he said. Everyone came in and we all hugged. We went back home and I went straight to bed. I took the little shirt that Mike got the baby that said 'My daddy's punk rock!' and cried into it. Mike came in and laid next to me. He pulled me in by the waist and wrapped his arms around me.
"I want my baby." I cried softly. He kisses my forehead.
"I want him too.", he said. I cuddled in closer to his chest and soon fell asleep.

~ ~ ~

It's been 6 days since the funeral and almost a month since the accident. I haven't left my room since. I guess you can say I fell under depression again. Danielle and Jessica would always come in and try to make me eat or leave the room. All I did was sit or lay down in bed in complete silence and tears would fall down my cheeks. At night, I would cry in Mike's arm all night. Sometimes when he wasn't recording, we would spend all day together and we would talk about our little sea monkey. It always made me feel better to know that Mike actually wanted this.
Danielle came into my room. I was sitting in bed looking out to nothing.
"Evelin?", she said. I blinked and then looked over at her.
"Evelin, please come back to us, I miss seeing you so bubbly and cheerful. Your so drained right now. please?", she said. I blinked and tears fell from my eyes. She took my hand.
"You're going back to your old ways. To whenever Mike was gone.", she said.
"No. No I'm not. Danielle don't remind me of that.", I snapped at her.
"Has Mike seen your scars from before that accident?", she said. I nodded.
"I'm not going to my bad habits. It's just a little vacation.", I said. She smiled weakly.
"Evelin, we just want you to be ok. We all love you so much. We all miss you.", she said. I nodded and she wiped my tears.
"Think about it.", she said and she left. I sat there and thought about what was going on.

I knew just sitting here wasn't going to bring my baby back. And I was never going to get him back because he was gone. But I had to look into the future. I knew for a fact I was going to have more babies with Mike. I just knew. I got out of bed and went into the living room. I called everyone out to the living room.
"Guys, can you come here for a bit?", I yelled. They all soon were on the couch.
"Is everything ok?", Jaime said.
"Yes. Everything is fine. I just wanted to say thanks to all of you. I know I've been a pain in the ass and been overreacting about this but I'm over it. I know that my baby is in a safe place right now. I bet you he's over there playing around with his grandpa right now.", I said.
"Evelin, we all love you so much. I know for a fact that you and Mike will be having more children in the future and they will be beautiful punk babies.", Jaime said. We laughed and all grouped hugged. Everyone let go and only Mike had his arms around me. I smiled into his chest. I looked up and he surprised me with a kiss. I heard the guys cheer and Jess and Danielle laugh.
"Alright enough with the cutesy, lovey dovey shit. Let's get Evelin loosened up.", Jaime said. He jumped of the couch and walked into the kitchen. He came back with 2 bottles of Jack Daniels and 2 bottles of tequila.

One Hundred Sleepless Nights (Sequel to Hell over me Pierce The Veil Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now