chapter twenty

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It was the day before the baby shower. I was told that everyone's family was coming today to help set up. I went to the game room where I found all the boys playing Super Mario Bros.

"Where are the girls?", I asked.

"They're in the kitchen.", Jaime said not taking his eyes off the screen. I looked around the room.

"Will you guys please clean this place. My mom does not like messes like these. Michael you know this.", I said. They sighed.

"Ok. Come on boys, let's get to work.", Mike said as he paused the game and stood up. I smiled and gave him a peck on his cheek and went to the kitchen. I found Danielle, Jessica and Erin all on their phones.

"What time are they coming?", I said. Danielle held a finger up. She soon hung up and looked at me.

"Well?", I said. She smiled.

"5. So in about 6-7 hours.", Danielle said.

"Mike and Vic's parents will be here at 3 though.", she followed.

"They'll get here late. Mike said they would. So we have till 5 to have this place cleaned up. If not, we'll never hear the end of it.", I said.

"This place is kinda messy. Mom wouldn't approve.", Danielle said.

"Welcome to my world.", Erin said. We laughed.

"Well let's get started.", Jess said. We planned who cleaned what and soon started. After about 6 hours of deep scrubbing and cleaning, the place smelled of Pinesol. I sat on the couch and gave sigh in relief.

"I hope my mom doesn't flip. This house doesn't smell enough. Damn, it's hard to clean correctly when you're pregnant.", I said. Erin chuckled as she sat next to me.

"It's clean enough.", she said. I laughed.

"You don't know my mother.", I said.

"Stop over reacting.", she said. Danielle and Jessica came out of the kitchen.

"That place is done. Oh my god.", Jessica said as she flopped onto the couch. Danielle followed. The boys came into the living room. Mike sat next to me.

"Game room is clean and so is the hallway bathroom.", Mike said.

"And The Man Cave is ready for usage.", Jaime said.

"The Man Cave?", I asked.

"Yes The Man Cave. I got the idea from your dad. That was hell of a great place so I made one.", Mike said. I chuckled.

"So when are people coming?", Vic said.

"Well I guess your guys parents will show up late from what Evelin told me. All the rest will show up pretty soon.", Jessica said.

"I'm excited.", Erin said.

"Erin you're always excited.", I said. We laughed.

We soon got up and I went to the kitchen to start something to eat.

"Evelin, you need to sit and relax. Jaime will order pizza and some wings. It's just for today.", Danielle said.

"Babe, you our moms will flip if they found out that's what we're eating.", I said.

"It's fine babe. I'm pretty sure both of our moms will bring something.", she said. I smiled and put away what I brought out. I went to the living room and then heard a knock on the door.

"Someone's at the door!", I shouted as I walked to my room. They knocked again.

"I got it.", Mike said.
"Thank you.", I shouted again. I quickly put up what I had and went to the living room.

One Hundred Sleepless Nights (Sequel to Hell over me Pierce The Veil Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now