Chapter 1.1~Forgotten Dreams

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Deep azure eyes glinted in the starlight.  A cool breeze ruffled pale blond hair that shadowed curved cheekbones framing the soft, cambered mouth that had just fallen open.

"It's her," the young man breathed.

"Are you sure, Lucis?" drawled a voice from behind the fair-haired man. Lucis turned to the one who spoke. This man was slightly shorter than the blond, his lithe arms were crossed tightly over his chest, as the wind blew his raven black curtain of hair out of his face, revealing intense, unmistakable violet eyes. The shadow man glared at Lucis with those daunting irises, which burned and flickered like low-lit embers. The bravest of men would have cowered at such an unnatural stare, but Lucis remained unmoved giving the darker one a small reassuring smile.

"I'm positive. Just look at her, Del." Lucis gestured toward the two young girls below who walked in the lamp lit streets of New York City.

The two young women were each a different height and size. The smaller, more elfin one talked animatedly to the other, her short dark blond hair swinging around her. The quieter, taller one that rose like a willow laughed occasionally at her slighter friend's comments, her long chocolate brown tresses ending in soft, gentle curls.

Lucis watched Del patiently as he waited for his response. Del glared at the two girls for several moments. Lucis was not completely clear on why. There was no mistaking that they had found her. After long tireless nights of searching, they had found her. Finally Del turned back to Lucis. "How much time do we have?"

Lucis turned his attention back to the two girls. His heart skipped a beat as he gazed at the young brunette. He inhaled deeply before replying. "A little more than an hour."

Del shook his head. "Of course," he grumbled. "How in the world are we supposed to get to her? How do we get her away from blondey?"

As if the girl heard him, she slowed her speed, and looked around suspiciously. Lucis now looked at the petite one as well. The girl was almost offensively small, childlike, and wiry for a sixteen-year-old. She had pointed, impish features that just screamed trouble-maker. Her gray eyes held fire that even Lucis could see from this distance. He blinked. "We'll just have to lead her away."

"Easier said than done," muttered Del. "You're way too optimistic if you think we can pull this off without getting caught."

Lucis chuckled softly. "I thought you'd have figured that out by now. It's my job to be the optimistic one."

Del shook his head. "Well you had better have some sort of plan."

"Don't you know me at all?" Lucis turned around to where a duffle bag lay. He pulled out two large hooded sweat shirts, one black, the other white, matching the two of them.

Del's eyes narrowed, beginning to follow where Lucis was going. "You mean we're going in?"

Lucis nodded and tossed the black jacket to him. Del caught it without looking, just continued to stare at Lucis. "That's a bit of a risk, don't you think?"

"Well it was a risk just coming here." Lucis replied. Then he tilted his head to the side. "And since when did it matter to you if it was a risk?"

Del shrugged. "Personally I just don't want to cover these up." Having said this he stretched out two colossal black-feathered wings. They extended out behind him like late afternoon shadows. "And I have a feeling you don't really want to cover anything either." He gestured to Lucis's own wings, which seemed to glow like an angel's, as pure and white as fresh snow.

It was Lucis's turn to shrug. "Well, do you have a better idea?"

Del glanced back at the girls who were turning the corner. "We could wait until she comes out."

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