Chapter 2.3

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It was nearly midnight when Evabelle had mentioned she wanted to go home. She looks pale. Aza thought. "Of course, we can head." She looked at her friend a little closer. "Are you all right?"

Evabelle smiled weakly. "Yeah, it's just a headache."

"Alright," Aza consented. She turned to CJ and Sophie, who had returned from the concession table. "We're going to go you two. Evabelle isn't feeling too well."

Concern filled CJ's hazel eyes. "Oh, I'm so sorry. And on your birthday too. We could come with you."

Aza raised her eyebrows, suspicious of CJ's motives. He liked Evabelle, she could tell. Well, he was a billion times better than Sir Jerkulous. Aza preferred him over that guy any day. She opened her mouth to accept the offer, but Evabelle spoke first.

"No, no, that's sweet CJ, but I don't want to keep you from the party."

"It's no trouble. It's late any way and..." CJ began.

"Oh, no you don't," Sophie grabbed his arm. "You're not going to leave me here alone. Those two will be fine." And with that she dragged him off.

Aza shook her head. "Farwell, Harry. Ta-ta, Ginny." She called after them and laughed at their protests, then turned back to Evabelle, who was rubbing her temples. "Let's get going." She grabbed her friend's arm and guided her out of the building. "All the loud music and crazy lights could give anyone a headache." Aza reassured.

Evabelle nodded, but Aza wasn't sure if she had heard her. The two of them stepped out in the cool outside air, and turned the corner that lead to the alley. The moon shone high above them like a bright orb, an eerie spotlight on the girls. Aza, who had been gazing at it, hearing Sophie repeat in her memory, a rant on werewolves. Suddenly a real voice cut through her thoughts.

"Stick! Where do you think you're going?"

Aza and Evabelle turned. Aza began to smile. She knew she shouldn't, but she couldn't help but enjoy this rivalry thing. Chloe stood there, her hands on her hips, and her posse beside her. Aza raised her eyebrows. "Home," she replied. "I thought that was apparent."

"Did you forget our tie-breaker tonight?" Chloe asked. "Or are you too chicken to face me?"

Aza tilted her head to the side. "Oh, was that tonight. I'm terribly sorry Chloe baby, but I'll have to break that date. I know how you were looking forward to it, but you know I'm just not sure you're my type anyway. I hope you understand." She started to move.

"STICK!" Chloe shrieked. "Come and face me you coward!"

Aza stopped. She leaned over to Evabelle. "I'll be just a moment." She marched forward until she was directly in front of Chloe, then whispered. "You know, Chloe, don't you think it's a bit childish to call people names like that?" A grin crawled across her face.

Aza noted the flicker of fear in Chloe's eyes, it was just too easy. However, that fear vanished far too quickly and was replaced with a dark expression that Aza had never seen on the girl's face before as she leaned in closer to Aza and whispered in return. "The only child here is the one who has no parents, but apparently has a negligent uncle that has given her an inferiority complex making her desperate to claim attention by any means necessary."

Aza felt as though she had been punched in the stomach. Her grin fell away and pure hatred replaced it with a glare that made Chloe step back, but it almost seemed acted. There was still a enraging smirk on her lips. Aza raised her fists. "Take it back." Her voice was low and threatening.

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