Chapter 3.1~Violets are Blue

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Unimaginable pain seared through Evabelle, like lighting traveling the course of her body. She felt as if the earth had exploded; or maybe it was just her head. Either way she hurt. The world had seemed to fall away. The last clear thing she could remember was leaving the party, being outside; Aza had said something to her and then... that's when things got confusing.

She had had a small headache on and off all day, but it had gotten worse increasingly till she must have passed out, but strange sounds and blurred memories came back to her. Screaming...there had definitely been a lot of screaming. She also remembered someone saying something about Narnia, which was confusing. She remembered someone calling her name, someone's arms wrapped around her, and a soft lullaby sung in her ears, making the pain less... painful.

Evabelle felt herself coming to. Clearer thoughts began to run through her head, though it was still pounding a bit. I must have had a stroke or seizure. I'm probably in the hospital. Her eyes opened and she stared up at the dark sky, blearily. Sky? So she wasn't in a hospital. Evabelle turned her head slowly. Aza was kneeling beside her with her hand holding hers. Aza's eyes were glassy as though seeing something far away, but when she turned to look at Evabelle, her eyes snapped back into focus and she let out a long sigh of relief.

"Evabelle? Oh, Evabelle, are you alright?" Aza released her hand and reached up to feel her forehead. "You have no idea how much you scared me."

Evabelle reached up and grabbed her friend's hand. "You're not afraid of anything."

Aza shook her head. She looked drained. "I wouldn't say that."

Evabelle opened her mouth to speak, but stopped as she saw dark red liquid fall from her friend's face and onto her own dress. She gasped and sat up, but immediately regretted it. The world spun and she felt nauseous.

Aza put a hand on Evabelle's shoulder. "Don't get up." She said easing her back down slowly.

"But Aza," she wheezed. "You're bleeding!" Evabelle could see it now, the long deep gash that ran along her friend's cheek bone, dripping down her face. Aza reached up and touched it lightly, that was when Evabelle saw several more wounds on her friend's arms. "What happened?" She could hear panic in her voice. "Did someone attack you?"

Slowly Aza shook her head. "Umm...well I guess, sort of." Something was distracting her, Evabelle could tell.

"Aza, what happened?" Evabelle tried to sound calm.

Aza hugged her arms, but then drew away quickly, wincing, to stare at her hands that were now streaked with blood from her scratches. "To be honest," she said still staring at them. "I have no idea." She lowered her hands and looked into Evabelle's eyes again. "Do you remember anything or..." she trailed off.

Something was terribly wrong. Evabelle had never seen Aza act like this. "Umm," Evabelle said slowly. "Not much really, but I remember screaming and a lot of motion." Then she added. "I might have been delirious, but I could have sworn I heard something about Narnia."

Aza smiled, and for a moment Evabelle saw the glimmer of her old friend back. "So I did say that, huh? I was wondering."

Evabelle propped herself on her elbows and looked around slowly. "Did Michael's parents bring us to the roof? And why..." Aza's eyes returned to their far away stance as she shook her head. Evabelle looked at her confused. "Then who-" Evabelle's voice caught in her throat as she gaped past Aza.

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