Chapter 7.2

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They returned to the mirror room. It was strange, when Evabelle opened her eyes it appeared as though they had never left. She stood in the exact spot from before. Her arms were up as though blocking the wind, though it was gone now. The ring of gray powder was gone. The only thing in the room was the clear crystal, which had been at the ring's center.

Del went over and scooped it up and put it back in the sack. Without a single word, he left the room with Evabelle's gaze following him the entire way. His words were still echoing in her head.


She jumped. She had nearly forgotten that Lucis was there. She looked at him.

"Did you still you want to see the library?"

Evabelle blinked. She had forgotten the library, but now... Evabelle nodded vigorously. "Oh, yes, please."

Lucis smiled and held out an arm for her to take. "Then come with me, my lady, the gateways to a million lives is this way."

Evabelle grinned and nervously took his arm. Lucis was actually a fairly easy person to be around. She liked the way he called the books gateways and the library the room of other worlds. He really did see books the way she did.

The pair of them left the mirror room, and this time, Evabelle saw the silver frame on the inside of the room. Now she knew what it meant. And the two of them went down the stairs to the landing between where the two staircases split. There was a large blank wall facing them. Evabelle had thought it odd when she had first seen it, and she still did. There was no painting or decoration, just an empty wall.

Lucis slipped his arm away and began to slide his hand across the wall. His fingers caught on a niche and he pulled.

Evabelle gasped as the hidden panel slid away revealing two, tall dark wood doors.

Lucis turned back to Evabelle. "Alright, close your eyes."


His eyes were wide. "Please."

Evabelle complied. She heard the large doors open and felt Lucis's hand slide under hers. Slowly he led her forward.

"Okay, open them."

She did and her mouth dropped.
It was massive. The biggest library that Evabelle had ever had to pleasure to lay her eyes upon. She stepped out to the railing, putting her hands on the cool metal and drank it in. They were on the third floor up. Below them, Evabelle saw shelves the spiraled around the room. When she looked up, she saw books, rising on more levels than she could count. It was magnificent.

"Do you like it?" Lucis asked.

Evabelle turned back to him, absolutely beaming. "It's wonderful!"

"I'm glad." His eyes roamed the colossal book room with affection. "This is my favorite room, the library. It's in the center of the entire place, the heart of the Sanctuary." His eyes flashed back to Evabelle. "Seems appropriate, don't you think?"

Evabelle nodded.

Soon Evabelle was almost running up the level stopping to look at the thousands of books, and wonder on which one she should read. She felt like a child on Christmas and she was probably acting like one too.

Lucis, also, was wandering through the maze of novels. He had pointed her to a map that displayed the kinds of books that were on each floor. He himself didn't need one. He had practically memorized the place. That meant Evabelle had a lot to catch up on if she wanted to get where he was.

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