Chapter 1.3

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Evabelle loved shopping, and getting her hair done. It made her feel glad to be a girl. Even though she now had to worry about going to the party with guys, she still found that she was enjoying herself.

Aza, on the other hand, was definitely a tom boy. She wasn't one for fashion, or getting her nails done, in fact she hated it, but Evabelle managed to convince her to at least get a little bit prettied up.

After their nails had been painted, they went to Donna's Boutique, where they sat in chairs getting their hair done. "I should have planned this out better," Aza grumbled with her arms folded as hair was flared and fluffed, her charm now resting on the counter in front of her. "I should have known you would take over, anything fashion related."

Evabelle laughed as her own hair was curled into soft ringlets. "That's true." She leaned over to Aza. "Thank you Azara. You're the best."

Aza glanced at her and winked. "Oh, I'm well aware."

At the mall Evabelle tried on many different outfits, and finally had to be dragged out by Aza. She wasn't sure how long they were there at the store; all she knew was that she could have stayed a whole lot longer. The two of them came out of the store with several bags. The sun was setting now as the evening lamplights started to flicker to life. Evabelle marveled that she had managed to shop for nearly an entire day. "We've got to hurry," Aza began. "The party has already started."

Evabelle glanced at her. "What time is it supposed to end?" She asked nonchalantly.

"Oh, don't worry." Aza grinned, not falling for casualty. "You won't be missing it. It ends at midnight."

Evabelle shook her head. "My mom would never let me stay out that late."

Aza continued grinning. Evabelle gasped. "You didn't... you couldn't... how did you... it's not possible to convince her of that!" She sputtered, staring at her friend in utter amazement.

"I told you; fire hoop-jumping. It does wonders." Aza strode on ahead.

Evabelle shook her head and ran to catch up. "You never cease to amaze me." They reached their apartment building, and slipped inside.

"We can just change at my place." Aza told her.

Evabelle nodded in response. The two of them lived in the same apartment building, just on different floors.

They went up the first flight of stairs and stopped at the first door on the right. Aza put down all her bags and reached into her pocket for her keys. Evabelle watched her, thoughtfully. "Is your uncle here?" She asked.

Aza pulled out a stick of gum, some string, and a wadded up piece of paper. "Crap." She muttered to herself. "Must have forgotten my keys." Then she reached into her pocket again and pulled out a hairpin and quickly began to pick the lock. "To answer your question," Aza began as she twisted the small piece of metal, "No, he's not. He's at some convention, I believe. He left over a week or so ago. He's supposed to be back in about two days, but who really knows?"

Evabelle shook her head. "I can't believe he would just leave you alone for so long. How could he do that?"

Aza shrugged then straightened up and opened the door. She then turned to look at Evabelle; her usual silvery eyes had clouded over like a storm rolling in. "Let's be honest. When had he ever really cared about me?"

They entered into Aza's apartment. Evabelle felt just as home as she did here when she was in her own apartment, even with their vast differences. The walls were covered in paintings. They weren't hung in frames, no; the paintings were the walls themselves. Evabelle gaze traveled past a dragon soaring through the sky, a knight and his fair princess, a snarling tiger in the deep jungle, and a bird burning in flames. Evabelle glanced at the floor and smiled at the familiar carpet stains of all the paint drips from when these fantastical things were created.

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