Chapter 2.2

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Del was tired. He knew Lucis was tired, but that hadn't stopped Lucis from dancing with that girl. Del shook his head. Neither of them had slept in nearly two weeks. Now tonight was the night. The night they would have to take her. Del was still unsure of how this was all going to play out. It was too crowded here, and their hour was dwindling away.

Del shuffled uncomfortably. He hated tucking his wings in, he felt them rubbing against his back, agitating his skin. Some giggling girls came over to him, inwardly he groaned. One broke away from the others and came over to him shyly. Not again. He thought.

"Hi, I'm Samantha, or you can call me Sam." She girl began, her hands behind her back, and one of her feet drawing little circles. She couldn't even look him in the eyes. "I was just wondering if you-"

"No. No I would not."

The girl, Sam, looked up, shocked. "I... oh... I'm sorry." She stammered. Quickly she hung her head and hurried back to her friends. The girls shuffled away, but not before one of them gave him a scowl.

He shook his head. It wasn't his problem. Then he looked up again, mildly surprised to see Blondey, Evabelle's friend approaching him. She stopped a few feet in front of him, put her small hands on her skinny hips, and looked directly at him. He stared back at her, content to wait her out. The silence between them stretched on. Slowly he raised one of his eyebrows, giving away nothing.

"You're a jerk."

Del blinked. He hadn't expected that. He opened his mouth slightly but the girl continued.

"I can tell you're a jerk, because you pushed those girls away without a second glance. You stand here off to the side, glaring at everyone as if they're beneath you. You only came to flaunt yourself, look cool, break hearts. You don't care for anyone, but yourself, and of course you think you're better than everyone else. I've met vultures like you."  She looked him up and down. "Well, are you going to prove me wrong?"

Del continued to stare at this tiny little thing. Assumptions that he was a monster already, and he hadn't even had to say a word. Ice trickled into his veins. He hated this girl.

The rat nodded as if his silence proved her point. "Just as I thought. I came over here to see if you were worth it. My friend likes you and..." The blonde vermin continued speaking, but Del didn't bother listening after that little comment. My friend likes you. Did she mean... Del glanced over at Evabelle. She turned away as soon as his eyes met hers.

"If you were to go out with her," Blondey was still talking. "And you were to break her heart, lungs, kidney, or any other kind of organ, you could be sure..." She moved in so close to him, he could smell the lemonade on her breath. "I would break so much more than your face, pal."

Del raised his eyebrows. This small, scrawny, girl didn't have a chance, but her fierce gaze held a strange wildfire that made the hairs on the back of his neck prickle. "I'll keep that in mind." He muttered.

Blondey's eyes narrowed and she folded her arms. "So it can speak."

Del narrowed his own eyes, gritting his teeth. He'd known instantly from the moment he'd seen this thing from up on that rooftop that she was trouble, he just hadn't known that she would come to directly piss him off. "Sorry, your friend ain't my type, and neither are you."

"I wasn't asking." Blondey replied grimly. The two glared at one another for several moments before the girl whirled around, her short blonde hair whipping him across the face along with something hard and metal scratching across his nose, and stalked away.

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