Chapter 7.1~Through the Looking Glass

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The next morning began as most of Evabelle's did.  She woke up early with the fading remnants of a dream slipping away from her.  Evabelle wondered if she would ever have a dream she would remember.  She went to the small bathroom and took a fast shower then got dressed quickly with the spare outfit she had brought and did her hair by the small sink.  Then she slid out into the hall and down the stairs.

The entire place was quiet and still, but Evabelle was used to that.  Evabelle was curious, she wanted to explore some more, but finally she decided it may not be the best thing to do.  Who knows what could be behind any of these doors.  There could be a giant three-headed dog behind one.  She really wanted to find the library that Lucis had mentioned, but in the end she went to the kitchen, the only place she had been besides the bedrooms and the dining area.

She entered into the kitchen and stopped with a start.  Usually Evabelle was alone in the mornings, but there stood the bewitching form of the mage, Calandra.  She stood, holding a mug where steam swirled upwards, as she peered over a small, old book.  Calandra looked up at Evabelle.  She arched her eyebrows.  "Is there something you need?"

Evabelle stood there with her mouth hanging open.  Calandra looked annoyed.  "Are you just going to stand there, or is there an actual purpose that you're just standing there like statue?"

Evabelle swallowed.  "I'm sorry.  I'm just usually the first one up.  I'm not used to anyone waking up before me."  She hugged her arms and slowly continued into the room.

Calandra snapped the little book closed.  "As a host, it is my responsibility to be the last to bed and first to rise.  I would be an absolute disgrace if I slept in."  Calandra nodded.   "Plus I don't trust any of you to keep my house in order."  She added.

"Oh," Evabelle said a little dumbly.

"Sit down." Calandra offered a seat around a small island countertop. She then handed her a banana and a bowl of oatmeal.  It didn't quite look like what Evabelle would consider oatmeal.  It had swirls of cinnamon and small raisins and nuts scattered perfectly across its surface. 

When Evabelle brought a spoonful to her lips it wasn't too hot; it was the perfect temperature.  When the food met her taste buds, it was a burst of cinamony, nutty goodness.  It was a perfect combination of ingredients.  "Mmm," Evabelle murmured in delight.  She swallowed.  "This is amazing."

"Of course it is."  Calandra snapped.  "I made it."

Evabelle continued to eat, savoring every bite.

Calandra watched her.  "You do not believe you are the princess."  She said.

Evabelle paused.

"It is an observation."  The mage continued.  "You do not believe you can help them, so you come here only for the safety of your family.  That's rather selfish."

Evabelle looked at her.  "No, no!"  She shook her head then bowed down.  "I want to help them.  I really do.  It's just that I've never done anything remotely heroic in my life."  She tucked her hair behind her ear.  "I love to read about heroes and I've always dreamed I would somebody be one of them.  I always dreamed I was on some sort of adventure and I would somehow save the day, but now suddenly I'm here and I realize that they were just dreams, not reality.  I'm not a hero."

Calandra continued staring at her with her cold, black eyes.  "So, you're that kind of princess.  You're the kind that needs a knight in shining armor to save them, not the one who saves themselves.  You are the damsel in distress.  The pathetic female stuck in the tower."

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