Chapter 6.1~The Piano Man

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"I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that this is Calandra." Aza said.

Lucis slid past Aza and into the entryway. His hands were up in a submissive gesture. "Calandra, please this-"

"Was idiotic." Calandra cut him off. "You are a fool. You brought human beings into my home. I don't know if you knew this, Lucis, but Mages don't associate with humans. Humans always bring trouble. In fact," She tilted her head to the side, her eyes nothing more than black slits. "I believe the last recorded interaction with a human was not that long ago. And once again it was Anahalians that were the perpetrators. Tell me, Lucis, how well did that affair go over?"

Lucis closed his mouth, his blue eyes darkening slightly. It made Evabelle feel strangely nervous.

Del also slipped by Aza into the room. His hands were in his pockets. "If it means anything, I was against bringing the both of them."

Calandra sniffed. "Del may be a lazy brooding pain in my side," Aza didn't even try to stifle her laugh. "But even he knows when not to cross the line."

Del blinked. "I think that was supposed to be a compliment, but once more, Calandra, you have managed to turn it into an insult."

Lucis stepped up to Calandra. "I take full responsibility for the humans."

Just in front of Evabelle, she could see Aza staring at Lucis. There was shock mixed with respect in her friend's gaze. The guy barely knew her, let alone CJ, but he was willing to take anything they did wrong upon himself. That showed trust like none of them had ever seen.

Calandra seemed to be thinking along the same lines. She arched her perfectly shaped eyebrows. "How well do you know these humans?"

Lucis never broke eye contact with the Mage. He said his next words slowly and carefully. "Well enough that they will help us awaken a princess."

For the first time Calandra's eyes flickered from Lucis's face to Evabelle's. Evabelle stiffened. How did she know it was her? The black eyes stared into the brown for several moments. Evabelle was sure she was searching for something. She tried to look brave, the one thing she knew she was not. She did not know what a princess was supposed to look like, regal probably, everything that Evabelle knew she could never be.

Calandra finally looked away and Evabelle took a deep breath. "Fine," the Mage finally stated. "Now you two go and prepare dinner." She gestured to Lucis and Del.

Del groaned. "We just ate,"

"Well that's too bad. I haven't had anything." She gestured with her left hand and strange hiss like sound escaped her lips. Suddenly a door in the direction she had gestured opened. "I would also like to get to know my new guests on my own."

Lucis bowed his head and left the entry. Del rolled his eyes and followed his brother.

Now it was just the three of them standing in the doorway, and Calandra watching them from the middle of the room.

At first there was an awkward silence that was of course broken by Aza. "Right," she clapped her hands together and entered into the Sanctuary. She looked around. "You've got a quality place here."

Evabelle followed her friend a little cautiously. She also began to scan the inward wall of the great establishment. Her eyes progressively widened as her eyes continued to scan the place. "Quality place," didn't cut it.

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