Chapter 6.2

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The two of them slipped down the hallway, back toward the entrance. Evabelle's heart fluttered excitedly. What was out there? They stopped just short of the door leading back out to the entry. It was cracked just enough to peer through without getting noticed.

Evabelle and Aza leaned in. Light shuffling behind them made them look behind them. CJ had come. He crouched down with them. "Alright I'm here." He whispered.

Aza put her finger to her lips, and then gestured to the crack.

Calandra was speaking from somewhere the three spies could not see. "... I have not agreed to any more of you staying here. You have no right to just march up to my home and expect accommodations."

Someone stepped into view. It was a lanky young man, who had his hands stuffed in his gym shorts pockets. His red-brown hair was spiked out in all directions. A quirked grin lit up his eyes that had a familiar shine to them. From his back sprouted a pair of russet colored wings.

"There are more of them!" CJ hissed.

"Shhh," Aza covered his mouth.

The gangly man spoke, never losing his mischievous smile. "Technically, we flew here, Miss Calandra. And are Sanctuaries not where poor desperate creatures seek refuge?"

Evabelle heard a scoff and another being stepped into view. It was a female Anahalian. She was quite tall and lithe with a sharp angular face. She wore jean shorts and a t-shirt. Her dark hair was pulled up in a small pony tail. Her wings were a strange shimmery blue.

"If you consider riding on top of a bus half the way flying." The girl muttered.

The young man shrugged. "Hey, I got tired."

"You rode on top of a bus!" Del exclaimed from somewhere unseen as well. He and Lucis were probably standing by Calandra. "You could have been caught, you idiot!"

"Ah," The new male Anahalian pointed ahead of him, where Evabelle figured Del was standing. "But I didn't."

Now Evabelle knew who he reminded her of. Aza.

"You still have yet to answer our question," Lucis cut in. "Why are you here?"

The female Anahalian's features hardened. "Why do you think?" She snapped. "Calandra," the girl turned her attention to the Mage. "You allow these things in, but not us. We came because something as important as this cannot be put in the hands of these untrustworthy scumbags."

"What is she talking about?" Evabelle whispered.

Aza's eyes were narrowed. "Don't ask me."

Del growled. "You really want to challenge us? Don't think we wouldn't win. We could take you Tru, any day."

"That's enough, Del." Lucis spoke. "We are not going to fight."

The Anahalian, Tru, glared at them, her eyes flashing dangerously.

"You've got quite a place here." The messy haired Anahalian spoke suddenly. He didn't appear to be paying much attention to the dispute between his companion and Del. Instead he was pacing around the entry examining the Sanctuary. "A little too depressing for me though. Have you ever considered a designer? I mean there is just too much black. It's like someone just took Del and splattered him all over."

Evabelle heard Del grunt, but before he could say anything the other Anahalian boy continued.

"That chandelier is nice. I like that." Then he jumped spreading his wings and flew up to the light.

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