Keep it silent and living with the Devil Lady.

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I've been here inside this.. luxurious room for like hours now. And here I thought I was going to be inside a room with no windows with a dirty walls, leaking water and the smell of rott. But no, im inside a spacious room that has blue soft carpet on the floor and black and white walls with some golden highlight designs and a mahogany wood that is on the middle that seperates the wall into half, the upper is the white wall with golden features and a dark wood on bottom.

And here I am sitting on a king sized bed, i'll be lying if I said it's not comfortable and it didnt give me a nice rest.. My stomach began to grumble And I'm hungry. Groaning lightly, I heard the door opening as I look up to see who it is. Speaking of the devil and she who comes. " I see you're awake, we need to talk. " she said as she closed the door behind her and went around the room, she was wearing a tight slacks that teases her bottom and a long sleeve polo that fits her but pops out her breasts showing a cleavage and her bra.Does she even know Decency? " Yes I do Mr. Harris so keep your judgements away or I'll cut your tongue. " She glared Sheesh, angry much?  " The hell, you can read minds? "

She rolled her eyes and ignored my question " Hows sleep? " Why do you care? "  I want to know because if i didnt ask one it means your dead.  Why would I ask a dead person if they. " she spat angrily as her jaw clenched. Is it that month alreadyAnd the mind reader she is, she answered my question " No, I finished. " she deadpanned

" Good.. " I mumbled, she can read minds.. " Is that what you want to talk about? Because I'm pretty sure there is something you want to tell ne other than asking me if hows my sleep and get your hot headed temper boosted out at me. "  my arms crossed infront of my chest as I faced the female quietly, looking at her dark orbs that is piercing through my soul.

" I don't trust you " she bluntly said, now the hell would you say that miss prissy? " Why the hell would you say that? I don't expect you to trust me because I don't trust you either. " I deadpanned but I'm confused why she said that so suddenly even though I don't know her. "  Look, I don't know you so I don't trust you. But then again , I wont tell anyone about you. " I sighed softly as I feel my head throbbing.

" That's the problem. I can't trust you. "


What? " I'm sorry?I can't comprehend "

" I don't believe you. "

" About me not telling a single soul about you? "

" Take the fucking Omertá. " She said furiously as she is getting angry and irritated at me every single minute. She hates to take this longer I think.  " O-.. Sorry? " I got confused as she sighed a rolled her eyes " Code of Silence, it means you are forever bounds to us and you should not tell a single soul to everyone about us not even to the animals nor to the dead, souls, objects. Or everything.. If you break this code , Say good bye to your body. Capisce? "  She reloaded her gun

The hell? I didnt even see her holding it when she came in here?! 

I gulped nervously as I nodded " I-i'll take it.. " I nervously stutter , She narrowed her eyes at me coldly as I bursted out " Pleasedon'tkillmeIbegofyou  " I said quickly like a road runner like in the Road runner show. Her eyebrow arched at me but then she noticed how scared I am and holding onto dear life, this made her laugh.

How devil you are!..

I glared at her as she kept on laughing untill she stopped and smirked " You should, because if you didnt accept the code. You'll be losing a dick and chop your body into pieces and throw it in the ocean so no one can find your body.. " she began to walk towards the front door and opened it but before she leaves, she stopped to say something " Oh. By the way, Breakfast in 20 minutes so be ready. New clothes in the closet. " She then walked away and closed the door shut behind her.

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