Train hit my emotions

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I don't know how I feel when she said that to her son Noir bluntly with no hesitation, as if it's like she officialy makes it sound like we are together.
When she stood up to hug her two sons, why do I feel disappointed when she left my lap?

Damnit, this woman is making me have different emotions and it's killing me!

At first I was angry, then second I get worried then third I start to care for her! And now I felt a slight of disappointed that she left my lap? Fuck this! I'm like being hit by a train full of emotions unexpectedly.

I growled lightly and pinched the bridge of my nose as my eyebrows furrowed together with my eyelids shut when I felt head ache because of my thoughts.

Amazing headache for a ruined good sleep of morning that is barged by the twins.

But seriously, they still don't scream the same bloodline in Romana.I can't point out abd say they are adopted, I might be wrong. So I bit my tongue and shut my self up before everything turns into a fire pit of hell. Trust me, even from Blanc's reactions towards romana is hers. The way he snaps and gets angry and the way he gets irritated, it's like you made a Romana jr. Er.. Though romana is a girl.. just.


I sighed in frustration as I can't keep up with this, this is all too much for me to handle. Instead, I decided to leave the motherly bonding and went to my room upstairs to take another sleep.

Well, I can't sleep and it's pissing me off as I keep on toss and turning crazily into the warm sheets of the comforting bed. And the reason is because I can't stop thinking about what she said earlier, can it be?.. No.. but the way she says it, It's like she needed a companion, someone to comfort her and all.. It also sounded so true than a lie. This is all too much indeed, I don't know what to think. It's killing my brain cells to the core..

But why do I feel happy inside when she said that?

The touch of her body lingering to mine as it made jolts of sensation in my body that seems to beg for more physical touch of hers. Her snuggles and light breathing and the peaceful face that I see.. I shook my head in disbelief Why the hell did I think of that? This is bad, this is all her fault why I'm feeling this! I hate her. Hate is a strong word and I mean it, I'm just gonna be one of her chew toys and it pisses me off. A light growl of an animal was heard beside me, guessing it was Cloud. I turned around to see and I was right, he hopped on my cushion and layed down on his stomach. He looked like he needed attention

Just like her..

Well I havent went to the pet haven for a while.

Petting Cloud's head, I smiled halfly " Miss me? " the large feline began to purr from the affection as I chuckled " Well, you met the twins? " Romano's voice appeared out of nowhere as he was leaning on the Door frame, I smiled at him " Yo Roma, and yeah. Blanc, that guy has temper like Romana. And how did she became a mom? She looked very young to have a sixteen year old twins. " I asked, he began to look away as he looked like he was frowning but he talked " Well.. As much as she wanted those two as her real blood and flesh.. " I cut him off quickly in shock " She's not their real mom? " He nodded and continued " Of course, how come they look like her? There are no hints of her genes in those two, they were stray kids in germany. Lost and have no idea who they are, we went to Germany to have a vacation with the whole family as her treat to them because we defeated one of our foes. " He continued on " One day, she carried two children with her unconcious. She was fifteen years old back then and they were ten years old, blanc was on her back and tied his hands with rope so he wont fall on her back and she carried Noir in her arms, the two looked very malnourished and pale like they are going to die in any minute. She saw the two collapsed on the alleyways, rugged and tattered. Because it remin-.. " his throat was going to clog, his eyes turning glassy. Was he going to cry? " Because it made her heart broken, so she took them and took care of them . " He stopped himself so he wont keep his tears fall, but he seems to be hiding something. He looked painful as if he remembered something, the cheerful Romano I know for a few days. He lookrd sad, painful and hurt. " When she took care of them, the two called her Mama instead of sister even though they know that their age gap is five years. They called her Mama because of how Romana took care of them like how a mother is, and funny how they call me Daddy even though I am their mothers twin, not her boyfriend." He smiled awkwardly, as I smirked " Well you took care of them too, no? " I said.

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