Unexpectedly soft?

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I don't know if you like the story but hey, your choice if you like it or not. I wouldn't mind. If you want to continue then continye reading! Smiles.

Bye bye~


Another day, another morning. And I tell you, I'm not a morning person so I get grumpy or grouchy. I began to get off of the comfy bed and walked towards the bathroom to take a cold shower to wake and ease my muscles, gotta relax you know?

Finishing taking a bath, i began to look at the huge mirror infront of me. I don't have a beard and I hate it because I don't look like a guy and I look like a baby.. Well Mom said I still look pretty but I look naked without a stubble like Ivan and the others have, I never grow facial hair. It's always clean and spotless , and I hate it. Hate is a strong word but I mean it, it's also the reason why I can't stand men saying I look feminine. Am I?

Observing my looks, my skin is white like feminine. Blonde messy hair or dishaveled , blue eyes. I am a nerd indeed but because of being bullied in highschool, I started to work out since eigth grade by jogging and doing alot of sports which made my perfectionist parents happy. Looking at my body, mascular and perfect built but not that very mascular. I guess I look like a model like some in the mens magazine, with six pack abs. And I do have six pack abs that is like perfectly carven from my body. I'm not a showy person but sometimes I show a little bit of my muscles by wearing polo shirts and I hate showing off so I do it sometines or rarely instead of everyday like how mascular men do. But sometimes, I can be narcistic for fun.

I look good honestly, what I need is a facial hair and I don't have one..

Groans as I move out of the bathroom with a towel covering my lower body and opeed my closet to look at the clothes  that she bought or someone else did.  Taking out a black shirt and jogging pants as I started wearing my clothes.

Is it me or the place is silent? Because when I got downstairs the place is  quiet like a sanctuary, did everyone left?

Of course idiot, mafia's have bussiness.

I mentally cussed at my self for being an idiot and walked towards the kitchen to see if someone is there, and to my guess. There is someone there and I began to widened my eyes.

Romana is there wearing a large long sleeve polo that makes her look baggy but her legs is exposed so is her chest but only her cleavage is showing, her hair is bed hair. She looks cute in her bed hair though

Earth to Sam, did you just called her cute?

I mentally slapped my self as I stopped staring at her and pretended that I didn't notice her daring body. That clothing though, it's a guys shirt. She has a boyfriend? Maybe it's one of thr men here. And why the hell do I feel jealous somehow?

Are you kidding me? How can I feel jealous if  only met her for like two or three days now if you count the first meeting at the accident.

She looked drowsy and sleepy like a kid while holding a personal bottle of hers contained with juice, wow now that's like a kid indeed. But hey, who am I to judge? Everyone has their own childish attitude or personality. I really hate to admit that she really is pretty, no, Beautiful. But damn, she's a Femme Fetale. Her small face, her tall figure but not skinny nor fat, perfect. Her body shape is naturally Hourglass and every man will be howling crazy to have her, especialy her Devil pairs and huge bottom. Or let's say that she's busty.

Yep, every guy in this world is going to get crazy just by one glance at her..

" Morning , Mi cara. " Why the hell is she calling me that? I don't understand italian , she began to groan irritatedly " Then Good morning, Mi amour " I nearly choked my tongue as my eyes widened at her My love?!  Did she just go spanish on me?

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