Something is fishy.

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Romana's POV

" If that's how it is, then do it. I'd rather not risk my men, Ben. " I said to the man infront of me, my face stoic and expressionless but I can feel my anger boiling up. I kept myself calm before I end up killing this man " Are you sure Vargas? They wont leave us if we wont commence attack! " He whisper yelled, I can see his irritation rising up " Are you stupid? Do you want to attack immedietly and end up in a trap losing 20 men? I am your boss and you listen to me! Make a plan before I fucking make you end up in a body bag. " I shouted as I lost my thread of patience, my teeth began to shut tightly together as my hands turned into a fists showing white knuckles. I'd rather not risk my men if we end up attacking without a plan, they will think I'm naive and stupid because a female like me is leading a mafia. Ben began to bow his head in respect "Mi dispiace capo sono io. Farò come è il comando che faccia, io riferire a voi una volta che lo trovo. " I waved my hand to dissmiss him " Make it sure Ben, and get my twins to their modelling. They said that our guest is having a reunion. " He stood up at ease and looked at me in confusion " Guest? "

Well, hes been in my house for a few days so I'd rather give him a day off away from the mansion.

I sighed lightly " The one you almosy shot at the club. " he smiled sheepishly at me " Oh, Sam Harris? Anything else? " I began to cross my arms infront of my chest " Well, tell Romano to call me. That is all. " He nodded at me and left, his figure beggining to slowly fade into the shadows. My confusion began to rise about Sam's reunion, Blanc said that Their school was the school Sam studied that's why Sam was with their teachers. They said that Sam knows Chaos and Viper.

Maybe he knows?.. He might be a spy for all I know.

I will call my two spies later about Sam, I can't risk getting caught and trapped by the enemies if Sam is one of them.

Maybe he is not one of them.

What if he is?

I can't just assume without knowing, in the papers. He started living here in chicago six years ago, so maybe he isn't? He doesn't even have criminal records, not even a single one.

I'm worrying too much.

I turned away to leave as I started to take off all of my worries but my mind wont leave Sam alone. His hug.. Why do I feel weird around him? This is not me, this is not my self. I've never been like this, even Romano suspects that I like him.

Well do you?

No, it can't be right?.. I can't fall in love! I hate him, I despise him! I don't do relationships, I do not do any commitment. I am a casanova, I just play around and toy with them. He is nothing but a mere human, weak and useless. Or he could be a decietful son of a bitch!

Well isn't that harsh? What if he isn't one of them? What if he just a innocent person after all?

I scoffed while I shook my head.

But why didn't you push away when he hugged you? Why didn't you get off of hin when the twins saw you sittibg on his lap?

My steps began to slow down as I think about it Why didn't I?.. His hug, he comforted me even though we had a stupid fight. I was drunk.

Excuses, Romana. Do not blame the alcohol, you were jealous.

Am I?.. I began to think his comforting hug, his long and big mascular arms that snugged me to his chest. His warm body radiating to me as our bodies were pressed, the beating of his erratic heart. I felt safe, reassured, loved.. Why am I getting this foreign feelings around him? Why is he so different than the others? Why can't I take my mind off of him!

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