Best christmas gift ever but ruined.

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For the past few months, and it's December at the same time it's Christmas Day. he can see occasional glances that Romana is giving to him, he wasn't complaining but he admit that he also glance at her or stare at her. She was a chaotic beauty in his eyes, crazy as it sounds. She is a one tough nut to crack, she may be strong yet fragile in the inside. Romano was teasing Romana whenever he notices the two just glancing at each other when one is looking away, He also admit to Romano that he has feelings for Romana but it will take time for her to notice his feelings towards her, Romana might be the one time type person but she stopped that for the past few months ever since he got her kiss on his cheek. Is it funny that he still feels her lingering kiss in his cheek?

Also, did he mention that every night, she sleeps beside him when she thought that he is sleeping? He doesn't know what changed her and what made her do these things, even the two knuckle heads said that something is happening.

" Sam. "

He spun around to look at Italian beauty, his eyes looking at her. She was wearing a khaki pants and sleeveless blouse with a collar And a necktie. Her olive eyes were looking at him but she looked conflicted as she is battling something inside her mind. Sam wanted to know why she looks like that. " Is there something wrong? " He asked her as the female looked at him for a second and averted her eyes away from him, her face turning into a frown. Confusion would be in Him but he started to get worried " Romana? "


Silence is bliss but Sam is getting worried, he needs to know what is wrong with her and why she went to him this late night? He was about to speak when she said the words that made his heart drop.

" Ti amo, Mio cucciola. "
The words that out him to silence, his heart hammering. Was he hearing those right? No it can't be right? Maybe he needs a hearing aid. He frowned and looked at the woman " Right.. " he shook his head.

Romana widened her eyes as she was surprised at his actions. What? She was just joking right? He said inside his mind.

The female clenched her jaw in anger " You don't believe me? " She whispered softly as her body trembled. He looked at her for a second and then to her eyes. Her eyes showed honesty.. Need and longing?..

He could not believe what he saw in her eyes, he might be dreaming, this is wrong.

Is it?

Said his mind. Does she really love him? He didn't notice the female walked towards him as his shirt is yanked down and his lips landed on a soft warm ones. His eyes bulged out of their sockets.

Romana kissed him.. She kissed him! 

Suddenly his mind went overload, he might be dreaming, this is impossible! Sure he loves her but she will never love a nerd like him!

Wait, that doesn't make sense.. Oh the hell with it!

He was startled when he heard a growl from her " You are not fucking dreaming, you culo. I fucking love you. Kiss me, God damnit. Or so help me I will- " then he did it.

He kissed her.

Fervor, need, longing, and passion. His arms were around her protectively as his hand slowly grabbed her hair and pulled her closer to him. Their bodies mold with heat, kisses moving together in rhythm. His heart is thumping and beating like a freaking drum being hit by a hardcore drummer.

Not a romantic way to describe huh? But the feeling he is having right now is pure euphoria. As he pulled away from the kiss, he placed his forehead on the females own. His blue orbs looking at  her beautiful eyes that looked back at him, hooded with lust and love.

He was getting delirious because he needed her and he can't help it. And so was Romana, but she was even more delirious than he is. She couldn't deny it anymore, this broken woman, a criminal , a Mafia. She is falling in love to a good boy, so clean and innocent yet, she. Is dirty than cleansed.

Sam accepted his fate and his feelings towards the female, he didn't care if Romana is a Mafia leader. He loves her and nothing will stop him from loving her. " You made me a happy man, Romana.. " he said breathlessly to her.

Romana's chuckle was a harmony to his ears and this made him grin like a kid in Christmas who got the best present in the world.

Well actually, he did.

And he has it, it was Her. This Mafia woman that saved and kidnapped him.

Her kiss is getting addicting and that kiss is enough to know he's not dreaming.

Funny.. He's craving for her kisses again, so he pecked her lips many times making Romanna grin and giggle. " The best, Christmas gift I've ever got. " he said and pecked her lips lastly.

" The best gift that no one ever has, an Italian woman who is the head of the Mafia falling in love to sweet innocent American. Not to mention, nerdy too. " The male pouted playfully at her for calling him nerdy " But you love this nerd! " he said as the female grinned at him and kisses his nose " Yes, I do. Very much. " she said as Sam smiled softly. " Love you. "

" Love you too. " She said with sincere. The two were about to kiss when they were suddenly interrupted by the voice That made Romana went tensed and rigid as steel. Her expression went cold.

" You're replacing me for him huh? "


I hope you like my story guys! Like if you want or whatever wattpadd user does. I'm freaking lazy because I'm tired.

Love Cottonlicious.

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