~Chapter 2: Yes Sister~

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Reader's POV
I wake up to the sound of singing birds. I open my (e/c) eyes slowly not knowing my surroundings. I look around panicked. This is a room I've never seen before? Thought it looks like luxury... Where am I?

Someone suddenly knocked on the door.

"W-Who's there?" I ask frightend.

"Oh it's just me little sis." she said laughing. "Oh, I didn't present myself correctly, I'm Junko Enoshima! Super High School Level Model! Well... Not really anymore but still! So little sis..." she fakes a pout. "We got these students from your high school... They are supposed to be here on a school holiday thingy-- but we changed it into a killing spree!"


"Monokuma and I, yes of course you don't know..."

*explanation of DR*

"How how could you do that? Make students kill each other? You, you bloodthirsty woman!"

"Please don't talk to your sister like that..."

In that moment my mouth was shut. I tried to open it several times but I swear to God I couldn't... What is this? In what alternative universe am I? In a universe with this crazy woman...

"Get prepared, you're about to meet everyone else! We got them here about 1 hour ago when Monokuma explained them the rules and don't tell everyone else I'm the mastermind! Don't you dare have any feelings for anyone! You are supposed to be the traitor, my traitor~ Upupupu~ By the way; What's your SHSL?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Please little sis~"

In that moment I opened my mouth.

"I'm SHSL Solider..."

"Perfect! You can kill anyone in no time!"

"I won't kill anyone!"

"But sis you agreed..."

"Agreed what? Those weren't my own actions I--" she started to cry and in that moment my mouth was shut with lock.

"Please just go there." Junko said.

"Yes sister." I said fast.

"Here, take this map with you." she said giving it to me then disappearing.

I left, when I noticed a little me on the door and the mini others on the map, where all the cottages were displayed. I had this map Junko gave to me so I can see where to go... Hmm. They probably are at the Cafeteria in the main cottage... Let's check. I walk into the shining sun and make my way to the Cafeteria. I opened the door as everyone looked at me shocked.

"W-Who are you?" a brown haired guy asked me; he had an ahoge. (I thought I would make this a serious book but I couldn't xDD I failed miserably)

'Oh don't worry, I'm just a traitor who is 'bound to take every order from the master mind and I hope I kill no one but you know I can't promise anything hehe.' I thought.

"O-Oh I was there at Monokuma stage thing but I stayed there for a while more..."

"Nice to meet you!" a girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes came running into me giving me a hug.

"Miss Sonia!" a boy with pink hair and shark teeth exclaimed.

"U-Uh. Hey there..." I waved to everyone. "I'm (y/n)..."

In the darkest corner of the room, stayed alone a marshmallow haired boy... Tall, around 180 cm... White t-shirt with an unique red design on it, huge-if-you're-smaller-than-him green jacket with some skinnys and some shoes that... Don't make sense? There are two zippers on each side... Why would you need two zippers?!

Anyways he seemed lonely and sad and I just wanted to go there and give him hug... He seemed so cute and loveable... No! I'm not allowed to grow feelings to anybody...

"Earth to (y/n)?" Sonia was waving her hand in my face.

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