~Chapter 14: I Need You Now~

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(Mikan trial was already a while ago lol if you ask yourself what happened)

Reader's POV
I leave Nagito's cottage as I get into the main cottage. I collide the cold halls heading to the cafeteria. A few times I really think I saw a shadow moving around... Guess it is just me... I walk faster as I enter the cafeteria. I look around to see what I should bring Nagito. I take a look at the options as I feel footsteps behind me. I step away as a knife hit the wall behind me.

"What the hell?" I look around trying to see who threw it.

I see no one as I get scared. I pick up the knife and with a few movements and held it tight. I look around as I run outside of the main cottage. W-What just happened? Who was that? W-Why? I take a close look at the knife... Is it Nagito's survival knife?! What the heck? It couldn't be Nagito... Could it? But if it really wasn't him, the one who threw it surely entered his cottage before... What if they entered it now? A strong fear hit me as I realised the one who threw the knife could have been into Nagito's cottage right now while I was walking away... What if they... I pushed away all this strange ideas out of my head as I rush to Nagito's cottage. I get in front of the door, it is already opened?! I tremble from head to toe as I walk upstairs.

"Komaeda!" I shout through the paper thin walls. "Komaeda!"

I check every room that is possible to check, I even checked under the bed, in the shiwer, everywhere... He isn't there... I walk downstairs as I look in the kitchen filled with fear. Blood travels faster as I see a note on the fridge. I look closely to it:

'Hey (y/n)-chan! :3 I'm sorry if I'm not there when you come back, I'm taking a walk. ^_^ I shall be back soon.
Love, Nagito <3'

"For f*ck's sake... Thank God..." I drop the note as I put my two hands on my now boiling head. "Wait what?! He's taking a walk? He just stabbed himself!" I run out of the cottage freaking again as I walk faster to nowhere.

I look around exhausted. I walk to the beach giving up... I can't find him. I get my shoes off, carrying them in my right hand. I walk for a while until I see my marshmallow boy (sorrynotsorry).

He was sitting on a big rock staring into the space. I get behind him as I put my hands on his eyes.

"Guess who?" I shout laughing.

"(Y/n)-chan~" he said turning around.

For a few seconds he just stared at me, afterwards pulling me onto his lap. His quite strong for someone who has a wound like that. Sh*t it must hurt.


"Hm?" I say putting my head into the crook of his neck, my hand tracing lines on his perfect features of his face.

"Are you exhausted because of me?" he said facing me, his grey eyes swirling with sadness.

"Of course not! I'm never tired of anything I love~" I said nuzzling my head deeper, inhaling his sweet scent, filling my lungs.

"I love you, (y/n)."

"So do I." I said sighing then closing my eyes, in no time, falling asleep.

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