~Chapter 8: Punishment Time~

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Reader's POV
We were both taken by chains into another place. It was a dessert.

"I'm not gonna let you die here." he said taking my hand tightly running.

"What are these?" I ask scared.

"Mines. If you put your foot where one is, boom." he said running faster.

I shiver at his words. 30 minutes ago I was cuddling with Ko and now I'm running for my life? What the hell is this? As I think a mine explodes, then more. A mine explodes in our face and then we avoid it. We were running for 15 minutes now. All around us is sand and mines! There's no way we can do anything but run. I could feel my legs failing me pretty fast, faster at least then I thought they would.

"Nagito, I think I can't do this anymore... I'm going to--" I say as my legs fail me.

"I'm not letting you die here!" he said picking me up, bridal style.

"Ng..." I gulp as I let air fill my lungs.

I could see on his face how hard I am, and I wanted at least him not to die.

"Nagito, I need you to survive..."

"What the Hell are you talking?!"

"Leave me here... If you keep running with me, we'll both die. I love you, Nagito. I want you to survive this thing--"

"Stop this bullsh*t! Don't you realise I love you too much to let you die?! If you die I have no reason to live for anymore! So shut up, and let me run!" he said running faster

He... He... He loves me... No one loved me this way before... I mean my family and friends love me but... I plant a small kiss on his cheek as he stares down at me sweetly, until I... I can see something into the distance. It was... A finish line?! He ran faster. More mines explode scaring the sh*t out of me. We finally cross it when a half pink half white bunny comes in.

"I'm here to save you! Take a hold of my magic wand!" she said with an extremly high-pitched voice.

We do as she says and in some seconds we were in the lobby where Souda and a brown haired guy with green eyes were sitting down. They look at us with big eyes. Suddenly Nagito falls unconscious to the ground.

"Nagito-kun! Nagito-kun!" I scream terrified.

"Doesn't he have the Despair Disease?" Souda asked furrowing his pink eyebrows.

"Oh dear..." I said falling to my knees.

Monokumas came rushing in, putting him on the thing that they carry people with, taking him with them to the Monokuma hospital.
I feel like a thousand of rocks are hitting me right now... Ng... Nagito... I feel tears streaming down my face. I start crying uncontrollably. The brown haired guy came to my side trying to help me... Nothing would ever help me but, Nagito to be back healthy and cheerful as he always was...

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