~Chapter 12: Poisoned Love~

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Reader's POV
It took for me to realise what just happened... I... I should go see if Hajime is alright... But what about Nagito? I'd rather go check on him if he's alright. I look around confused, thinking about my next step.

I run to Nagito's cottage at the speed of light... I'm sure he's there. At least I hope so... I open the door and walk to his room. I feel something, a liquid getting inside my shoes. I look down to see a horrifying image... Blood... Everywhere...

I look around the room panicked seeing Nagito on the other side of the wall.

"Nagito!!!!" I scream as I rush to him.

He... He doesn't respond... I quickly search the whole cottage for anything, when I finally found a first aid kit in the bathroom. I run into his bedroom and open it up. I get his shirt and hoodie off, while I put the bandages around his frail but well-built body... He's so f*cking skinny it's unhealthy... When does he eat anyway?!

Without time to think about anything, I continue wrapping the bandages. I get his pants off since they are soaked with blood, getting a new pair from his wardrobe, and after trying for 30 minutes to get him in them, I finally succeed. I push him slowly onto the bed and cover him into a cocoon of blankets, sheets, pillows, whatever I could find.

"Komaeda... You are so stupid..." I said crying my heart out.

My mascara rolled down my cheeks, just like a river from bawling like a b*tch because of him. Why... Why would he commit this kind of action? He knows how much I love him... Does he? I wipe my tears and mascara with my (f/c) sleeve and get off the huge bed. I start cleaning the floors, the tables and his clothes.

His shirt was nearly impossible to knit back, but my grandma thaught me how to knit so it wasn't after all impossible. It took 7 hours to do all of these and I feel exhausted... What if... He doesn't wake up... No shuddup (y/n)! He will wake up! I quickly go to my cottage and change myself into a over-sized light blue sweater with some white shorts and black sneakers, putting my other clothes into the washing machine. I quickly get out and walk to his cottage when someone stops me.

"(Y/n)! Would you like to hang out with me today?" it was Sonia.

"Look... Sonia-san... I can't today! I promise we'll hang out together tomorrow! Now I got to go." I said running away leaving a confused Sonia behind.

I enter the cottage and run to Nagito's room. I open the door and I get my sneakers off and jumping into the cocoon of warmness. I put a hand to his head, he's getting warmer... Thank God... But...

What if he doesn't wake up anyways?

What if he can't eat for a while? He'll die because of how skinny he is!

What if won't remember me from so much blood loss?

A lot of 'if's' crossed my mind but... I need to push them all away! If I won't I'll die of frustration and anxiety. I have to stay strong for my love...

"How much I want to hate you for this... But... I can't..."

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