~Chapter 4: As The Waves Roll Over~

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Nagito's POV
(Y/n)... She is definitely interesting... Different to what I've seen before. Her eyes are a beautiful shade of (e/c) and her hair flowing behind from the wind on the beach... She looked just like a piece of art.

"I'm sorry for my parents... I left them alone... What about your parents?--"

"They're... Gone... I guess."

"Oh my! I'm so sorry Nagito! I didn't know--"

"It's ok... No one knows."


"If you wonder how they died... It's kinda long--"

"W-We have time if you want to... Let this of your chest?"

"I don't know if I can do this I'm so sorry..."

"Nagito, do this for yourself, open up a bit. It will surely help."

"Well... Well, it all happened in a plane crash... Me and my parents were in the airplane when someone captured us; holded us as hostages. Then a meteorite hit the part of the airplane with the kidnapper... But it took along my parents. It was all my bad luck..."

"I'm so sorry..."

"No need to be. You were not in it--"

"But I want to." she said flashing a smile, looking me directly in the eyes. "Did you have any friends to help you out or something?"


I didn't want her to feel sorry for me or fall into despair for me... Even just thinking of the word 'despair' makes me puke...

Reader's POV
He looks at me directly in the eye with a broken smile. I felt my heart break in a million little pieces, sharp as broken mirror. No parents... His bad and good luck driving him insane.

"This is not right Komaeda! How could you live alone until now?"

"Talked enough about me, what about you?" he said laughing. "So what are you going to do about... This island? How are you planning to escape..?" he asks.

"I don't know... I don't plan on killing anybody." I said shuddering at the word 'killing'. "What about you?"

"I don't care."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll become a stepping stone." he smiles, a little drool escaping his mouth. "I'll happily die in the name of hope." he said 'hope' as it was such a loveable word.

"What the heck are you talking? Stepping stone? If you are here it means you are one the ultimate hope Komaeda! How can you abondon this so easily?!" I take a look into his cloudy insane eyes. "Komaeda?!"

"Y-You re-really think I'm u-ultimate h-hope?" he said drooling. "N-Not even my m-mother pr-praised me o-or an-anything!!" he started drooling more.

"Ko-Komaeda!!" I start shaking him.

He stayed there drooling, stared a little more into the space.

"O-Oh yes." he woke up from his fit. "I-I'm so sorry (y/n)-- Please don't run away I didn't mean to hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable or--"

I simply hugged him, all he needed was a friend. He needed someone... And that someone was me. This poor boy has gone trough so much alone... It hurts my heart deeply.

"Don't worry Ko~" I said getting on the tips of my toes trying to pet him on his head. "I'll be your friend."

Lost In Your Embrace (Komaeda Nagito x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now