~Chapter 13: A Thousand Miles~

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Reader's POV
I was woken up by someone playing with my hair... I open my eyes to see Nagito facing me.

"Good morning (y/n)." he said looking in my eyes.

I slap his face and wipe my tears

"Oh my God I hate you..." I then hug him immediately.

Nagito was beyond confused and, yes, of course I am confused myself... But I loved him unconditionally. He was my only hope and I love him.

"Why did you save me?" he said a tear rolling down his pale as ever cheek.

"Why would you try and kill yourself?!?" I shouted looking at him. "I LOVE YOU!!! IS IT THAT HARD TO UNDERSTAND?!?!?" I shouted tears making their way to my eyes. "Why can't you understand..." I whsipered more to myself, looking down, tears dropping on the white sheets.

I started crying more... I couldn't hold it back... Nagito suddenly pushed me down, kissing me roughly. I try to pull him away, but it's impossible. He drags me closer as he kisses me down my jawline. I struggle against his grip, but it only gets tighter and tighter.

"K-Komaeda!" I shout, closing my eyes.

"(Y/n)~ I love you too~" he said, his words dripping like honey into my ear, telling me what I want to hear. "I'm sorry (y/n)~"

"You j-just can't say s-sorry for this! I won't f-forgive you like th-that..." I said turning away, my back now facing him.

He got closer as he ran his hands around my waist.

"I'm sorry (Y/n)~ I promise I won't do it again~ I love you~ Please~" he whispered into my ear making me shiver at his every word. "Please~ You can't stay angry at me (y/n), please~" I tried to endure the idea of giving in. "(Y/n)-chaaaan~" I close my eyes and try not to listen to him. "(Y/n)~ Please, I'm so so sorry (y/n) I love you~" he purrs into my ear again.

I can't anymore... I love him too much... Dammit... I hate myself now for that.

"Dammit... Alright..." I said opening my eyes to find an excited Nagito hugging me.

"I'm sorry (y/n)!! I promise I won't ever leave you again~ Even if you want me to~" he said flipping me around, nuzzling his head into my chest.

"K-Komaeda!" I yelp blushing.

"Hm? Is something wrong my (y/n)?" he said still doing... that.

"Uhm... Can you stop--"


W-What am I supposed to do? I blush even more as I watch Nagito fall asleep... Great... How am I supposed to get out? I look around for a pillow or anything I could find to get it in my actual place. I finally found what I was looking for, trying to get out of his grip. How am I supposed to get out of his hold? His grip was getting stronger on my back, as I struggle more with getting his hands away. For 15 minutes I struggled with one of his hands, finally getting out and putting fast as ever the pillow between his long arms. I look at the clock, is it 1 PM already? I should get him something to eat, he is probably exhausted... My poor marshmallow...

"I'd run for you a thousand miles." I say with a wide smile, opening the the door and leaving.

Lost In Your Embrace (Komaeda Nagito x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now