~Chapter 9: Despair~

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Reader's POV
I get off the floor, tears still streaming down my face. I wipe them off and go straight outside the cottage. I look around furious.

"Junko!" I shout.


"I know you're there Junko, show up already!"

"Ugh but it's not fun~ ... Anyways, what'd you call me?"

"I need you to show me the Monokuma hospital." I said crossing my arms.

"But that would be hope" she said 'hope' like dirt in her mouth. "-inducing!"

"I don't freaking care! Do it already!"

"Oh because it's your Nagito-chan's life on the line? Aw so cute." she said making a cute face. "Not." she said laughing hysterically.

"Shut up already and lead me to the hospital!" I said harshly.

"I will..." she said turning her back to me.

I walk after her two steps thinking that she is gonna walk, until I bump into her, falling down.

"Why aren't you walking?"

"I didn't finish my sentence."

"What?" I ask confused.

"I will... If you kill somebody." she said smiling creepily.

"What the heck?! I won't kill anybody!" I said getting off the ground.

"Sure you won't... But if I tell you your little Komaeda might die of the Despair Diesease? I can cure it since I started it. I can tell you he's doing reaaally bad..." she said with a fake pout playing with her hair. "I think he might be dying right now... If he didn't already..." she said smiling.

I try to punch her in the face, failing as her body changed to dust, appearing behind me.

"So this is a no? Alright I'm gonna go finish him up then~" she said disappearing.

I gulp as a tear makes it's way to my cheek.

"Please wait!" I shout as tears come in. "I'll... Kill somebody."

"Oh great~ That's my (y/n)-chan!!" a voice echoed in my head.

My... What am I gonna do? I don't know if he is alive if he is... Dead... I look around crying.

"Why must I be in this world? In this World Of Despair? Please, someone, save me! I don't want to be here anymore!" I said crying.

"I think I-I-I can help you..." a girl said appearing near me.

"Who... Who are you?" I ask confused.

"I'm M-Mikan Tsumiki... I'm SHSL Nurse... I-I m-might help you w-with your case." she said smiling creepily.

"How?!" I shout as I grip onto her collar crying.

"I planned a m-murder... Y-You can h-help me."

"I'll do anything!" I grip tighter onto her collar.

"Good." she said getting my hands in hers.

"W-We can get out of he-here a-as fri-friends!! R-right?" she said with an insane look on her face, getting from behind her a gun. "I-if n-not I m-might s-say it's time t-to kill someone... Right, right now!" she said laughing.

I take a hold of her gun, and take it out of her hand. I throw it into the distance as I whisper.

"I'll do it."

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