~Chapter 3: Feelings~

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Reader's POV
"Oh, yessss?" I said like nothing happened.

"Would you like to meet and greet?" Sonia asked nicely.

"I... Sure!" I said gulping.

"So my name is Sonia! I am sure you heard Souda talk to me." she giggles cutely. "I'm SHSL Princess!"

"Just call me Souda!" he said smiling, while putting his hands behind his neck. "I'm SHSL Mechanic!"

"Oh yeah... I'm SHSL Solider..." I said in a whisper voice.

"Cool! Just don't kills us!" Souda said laughing.

'Yeah... Hehe... So funny... Hehe...' *gulp*

"Umm... Who's the guy?" I said looking to the marshmallow haired boy.

"He? Oh he is-- Why don't I get him here. You'll get to know each other." Souda says going.

"Good God..." I whisper more to myself.

"Got a crush on him or something?" she asks laughing.

"No, of course not." I said...

It's obvious I am not liking him... He just seems to... Stand out in my eyes.

In some seconds he's back with a confused boy.

"H-Hello." he said looking at me.

"Hello..." I said looking at his every feature and detail.

"So Komaeda, this is (y/n) (y/l/n), SHSL Solider- I bet she is one woman army!" he said winking then laughing.

"(Y/n), this is Nagito Komaeda, SHSL Luckster- he gets lucky and then bas things happen."

"Nice to meet you, (y/n)-san." he said sticking out a hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Nagito." I said shaking hands with a small smile.

When I touched his cold hand, it felt different then any touch before... It was so bittersweet. Cold at first, then getting warmer... It's really weird... Souda and Sonia left; just me and Nagito alone.

"You have really beautiful (h/c) hair..." he said smiling looking me directly in the eye.

If looks could kill, I would freaking be ashes. I looked at my shoes and back up.

"Oh thank you..."

"Don't worry, if you think you'll get attached to me, you won't. No one can get attached to trash."


"I know humans for a long time now and I know how they act. Just from the look in your eyes I can tell what you're thinking."

"Wait wait, what do you mean trash?"

"What I am." he replied smiling.

"How could you say something like this smiling?! You are definitely not trash!"

"Okay..." he said crossing his arms staring into the space.

"You are really weird..."

"I know. It isn't the first time--"

"But I don't mind." I said flashing a smile. "I'm weird too so... Let's be weird!" I said laughing.

"Heh." he said laughing cutely.

Goddamit his laugh... I nearly felt like I could melt right there infront of everyone. I feel like he can bring out my true self. And he makes me forget how I got here... And that I'm the traitor... This strange enchanted boy.

"Would you like me to show you around?" he asked turning his back to the Cafeteria.

"Sure!" I said catching up with him.

Lost In Your Embrace (Komaeda Nagito x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now