~Chapter 7: Love and Sorrow~

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Reader's POV
I wake up to meet two blue-greyish irises that I start to love more and more each day... Is it day? But it was evening a few hours ago... The confused look on my face probably got Nagito's attention.

"It's morning (y/n). You've slept for a while now." he said looking at me smiling.

"O-Ok. I'm okay with it." I said jumping out of bed but then something strong pulling me back.

"(Y-Y/n)... Can you stay with me for a little more... Please..."

I was staying with my back to him when he suddenly got REALLY close, leaving no space between me and him. G-Goddamn... I've never been this close to anyone... His arm traveled around my waist making me shiver.

"K-Ko~ Stop please..."

"Do you really mean it?" he said smiling his hand traveling to my boobs area.

"YOU ARE CROSSING THE LINE!" I said wiggling accidentally falling off the bed on my face. 'Ouch'

"(Y/n)! I'm so so sorry! Please don't leave I didn't mean it! Please don't get mad! I'm so so so so so so so sorry I--"

"Don't worry Ko... I'm good." I said getting up and falling onto the bed.

As I got back on the bed he dragged me to him, hugging me whsipering 'sorry' continously in my ear. He held me so close I could feel his breath on my arm as my head was on one of his shoulders.

"Nagito-kun? Can we play some games pretty please?" I said as he's grip on my waist was getting tighter and tighter.

"Hmmmm... Not right now." he said purring into my ear.

He's so clingy... I bet it's because his parents died on him... I couldn't bear to be alone for such a long time. He bit my ear teasingly.

"N-Nagito... What are you doing..?" I said blushing.

"Oh this?" he said bitting my ear again.

I can't believe this, he w-was so so clo-close to me...

Suddenly the door opened. It was Sonia... God why now?

"O-Oh I'm sorry if I interrupted anything... Monokuma wants all of us to be in the lobby... He has an announcement..." she said fast.

Nagito's eyes were swirling clouds as I shook him.

"Let's go." I say as we finally get up.

We make our way into the lobby where all students were supposed to be. Monokuma jumped onto a table.

"Upupupu! Since the killing didn't start yet, I thought about something that might make you want to kill! Upupupu!"

Everyone was panicked and whispering until he said.

"It will be the Despair Disease! And these threee students will have it!"

I prayed to God Nagito won't be one of them... I wish if it were to be me or Nagito, I wish it would be me.

"Owari Akane!"


"Mioda Ibuki!"

Thank God--

"Komaeda Nagito!"

In that moment my world stopped. I fell to my knees as some Monokumas tried to get him away, but I won't let him go.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!!" I said as I got out my pocket knife.

I did a backflip falling onto a Monokumas head, stabbing it. I spinned around cutting the heads of the rest of the Monokumas. Monokuma oil was on my face and clothes.

"You... Didn't have to do this (y/n)-chan." Nagito said standing up.

All of the students looked frightend. I breathe in and out slowly as I see Monokuma look angry at me.

"Students aren't allowed to hurt they're principals!!!" he said angrily. "For this you'll get... Punishment time!Upupupupupupu!" he said as more Monokumas came in.

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