~Chapter 16: Freedom Is Worth Struggle~

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Reader's POV
I wake up near a sleeping Nagito, drool dripping from the corner of his mouth... He is so cute! I think I'll be the one drooling soon enough at the picture infront of me: Nagito's hair is messy, no shirt on... I rather like this Nagito... What the heck am I thinking? I should dress myself for breakfast. I get up, well I tried until something pulled me back.

"Don't gooooo~" a voice purrs into my ear.


"No butts." his firm grip tightend around my waist.

I struggle more against his grip but it's hopeless (noooooo ;-;). As I look around, having nothing more to say , I look into the black screen of the large TV glued onto the wall, until a monochrome bear appeared, wishing us a 'good' morning. Hopefully no one will be killed today. (hopefully mwahahahaha :DD).

As I struggle a little bit more, I escaped his iron grip and got up. I lended him a hand, just to get dragged back onto the bed. I sigh and look out the window. The sunny weather that was a few seconds ago transformed into a rather stormy one.

The swirling clouds turned grey and nature took a wild turn. It was also horribly cold, since the window was open and all the cold air entered, making me shiver. What was happening? Nagito got up and looked outside. It was really weird. The weather changed in less then 3 seconds.

Nagito put on a green shirt and black hoodie as I dressed myself into some baby blue jeans and a black '(favourite band)' shirt. We rushed out of the building and got outside. The rest of us were already there, staring at the sky. They kept staring, and staring, until I can see a helicopter coming.

"It's a helicopter! Guys! Look!" I pointed but all of them stood staring at the sky, just not Nagito.

He took my hand and ran along the beach, as the helicopter landed.

"I am your escape!" a feminine high-pitched voice called from the helicopter in front of us.

We got in, as I interwinded my fingers with Komaeda's.

"What about the others?" I asked out of breath.

"Upupupu~ You should worry about yourselves, sis!" the voice responded.

"Sis? You have a sister?" Nagito asked, getting more confused.

"What? Is it... You... Junko?" I questioned fear crawling onto me.

"Yes, indeed." she laughed hysterically as she turned her head to us, one eye missing.

"What the hell! Get us back right now!" I shouted as she let go of the wheel.

I grab a hold of a blonde ponytail and shout again. Nagito is near me, and I can't risk losing him because of this psycho! As I shout again at her, she just begins fake crying and I swear something snapped inside of me.

"B*tch, you get us down, or I'll take you down." I calmly said into her ear.

"I would love to see you take me down, whore." she responded smiling.

In that moment I take the wheel and rip it the freak off. I get the parachutes and take one for me and one for Nagito. We quickly pull them on, and jump off the vehicle.

"See you down, Junko." I said through gritted teeth.

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