~Chapter 15: What Goes Around Comes Back Around~

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Reader's POV
Something shook me as I nuzzle in the warmness of Nagito's embrace.

"(Y/n)?" he said slowly waking me up.

"Mhm..." I whsipered, opening my eyes and giving him a glare, 'don't you dare wake me up'.

I could tell he was amused by my reaction, getting up, holding me tight to his chest. I opened my eyes to see the sun hiding under the sea, the clouds slowly running away. I nuzzle my whole body into Nagito's chest, our bodies fit perfectly, trying to stay warm. His sweet scent entered my nostrils, making me fall asleep peacefully.


I open my eyes, looking at the ceiling. I get a hand to my eye, trying to stop the sunlight entering through my eyelids. I get up on the bed looking confused. I put one foot on the chill ground, jumping a little bit at the contact. No Nagito around as I can see. I look in the mirror, seeing this creature with with messy (h/c) hair and sweater hanging on one shoulder, ready to fall any second now. I fix myself as I look outside the window. Wave after wave... The sea is calm. The palm trees are as green as ever and it looks like the perfect day. I think Nagito is already in the cafeteria. I should hurry up... I put my sneakers and run out the door.

"(Y/n)!" I hear the well-known annoying voice.

I just sigh and continue to walk.

"(Y/n)!! I know you hear me!! Stop already from walking!!" two blonde pigtails were shouting from behind.

"What is it you need?" I ask fed-up.

"Oh I just wanted to check on you sister~ You know how much I love you and you know how your death would fill me with despair~" she said drooling.

"Wait, what?!" I turned around abruptly.

"Uh, *cough*, I said would, hehe!" she said with a large grin.

"Junko, control that psycho-thinking brain of yours." I said turning away, leaving her vocie fade behind me.


I enter the cafeteria, where everybody was laughing and talking while eating lunch.

Everyone was radiating with happiness. I look around, searching for a tall figure with platnium hair. As my eyes meet what I've been looking for, my feet started having a mind of their own, taking me to the destination. He sits alone, his plate of food barely touched.

"Hey hey." I said a smile planted on my face.

His face looks up, immediately filling with joy.

"Hey, why sitting alone?" I said pouting.

"It's just, I wanted to sit here." he said with a bright smile.

"Alrighty!! Then let's dig in!!" I said nearly drooling at the food in front of me.

"Let's." he said with a chuckle.


We left the cafeteria, filled-up for probably the next 3 days. We entered his room, as I let myself fall onto one of the couches, opening his TV, then selecting a game to play. I concentrate on the screen in front of me, cursing under my breath as I lost.

"That's not an acceptable behavior for a lady is it (y/n)~?" he whispers into my ear.

Damn, it's hard to concentrate when he is whispering in my ear... He suddenly picked me up, throwing me onto the bed, as he looked down at me mischievously.

"You need to learn your lesson~ (y/n)-chan~" he said, his words dripping honey.


😂 Sorrynotsorry

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