~Chapter 17: Over & Done With~

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Reader's POV
This is batsh*t crazy! We are currently freefalling from the sky! I try to pull the string of my parachute, but it didn't work.

"Sh*t!" I scream as I continue to freefall.

I think about everything I have learned until now. I could roll from the air onto the earth, in a way that won't hurt me! I've learned how to do that! I soon see the trees of the huge island, and I bet Nagito is scared as f*ck since his parachute is working and mine isn't. I look up, as he is about to let go of his parachute.

"Don't! I can handle this!" I yell as he closed his eyes and nodded.

Everything is moving faster around me as I roll myself into a ball, and land swiftly onto the warm summer ground.

Nagito soon lands and starts asking a lot of questions.

"Is Junko... Your sister?" Nagito said out of breath.

"No... She likes to call me that. Well, liked, if she hopefully is dead." I said looking away.

"Are you in some sort of... Arrangement with Junko?" he asked with fear.

"Nope. At least I hope so." I laughed it off.

I'd rather laugh then cry right now. I can hear screams from the distance because why not.

We both run to the place we heard them and walk at a slow pace. Monokumas, all over the place, trying to kill all of the students. Great. Thank you guys for making it easier to find and kill Junko off permanently.

I suddenly feel something calling me, bringing my instincts to life. I grab Nagito's hand and run 3 levels up.

Sunddenly, a door opens in front of me to reveal a big red button standing on a brown coloured table.

"For stopping process..." Nagito read the small inscription under the button.

His eyes started sparkling with such beauty it's just perfect. He's just perfect but hey, we've got work to do.

"Ko, please go search for the students and bring them here. I've got it." I said as I handed him my pocket knife.

"Are you sure?"

"Extremly sure." I said as I pecked his lips. "Now go!"

"Good luck (y/n)!" he said leaving.

I looked at the button and swiftly pushed it, as a zombie version of Junko entered before me into the quiet room. Some of her limbs were missing, at least 1 finger from each hand missing, as one part of her head was shaved off. Her eye still was missing.

"I hate you so much. I hate you so much for trying to turn me into a killing machine! I hate you so much for making me suffer for my loved one! I hate you so much for making Komaeda be sick and for playing with my emotions! I hate you, Junko!" I screamed as I grabbed what was nearest to me, a sword that was hanging on one of the walls as some kind of achievement, and stabbed it into her chest.

Her breath was cut off mid-way. Her eyes were filled with hatred as she fell to the ground.

"Despair~" she coughed blood. "This is what it feels like." she coughed more blood, slowly closing her eyes. "And I love it~"

Silence filled the room as I dropped the sword down. I let myself fall unconscious to the ground, being exhausted.
Suddenly the door burst open, revealing 2 monokumas.

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