~Chapter 6: Wrong To Love~

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Reader's POV
"Junko! What are you doing here?!" I whisper shout.

"Is there something wrong (y/n)-san?" Nagito asked worried getting his headphones off, dropping the joystick.

"T-There i-is..." I trail off as he looks where Junko was standing.

"Yeah there are two chairs... I'm sure you have these in your room too." he said smiling.

'He cannot see her??!' I thought as she started talking more on how I'm not allowed to be in others room.

"Hey, (y/n), I'm going to the cafeteria to get something to drink... Do you want anything?" he said gently taking my hand in his.

I blush at the sudden touch as Junko was screaming loudly behind me at how close I was to this special special person. I haven't realised I was staring into his face. We both started to blush furiously.

"S-So do you want anything..?" he asked rubbing the back of his neck.
"O-Oh... I would like some (your favorite drink)." I said looking away.

"I'll be back!" he said letting go of my hand, stopping at the door, winking.

H-How many times did I-I blush?! I was so red that any 'STOP' sign would be put to shame.

"(Y/n)!! Are you listening?! What are you doing?!" she said nearly exploding.

"Why are you even here?" I ask crossing my arms.

"I felt something's wrong so I followed you. It is wrong... to love!" she said 'love' with disgust. "You weren't bring into the World of Despair to find someone or help others! You were brang here to kill!!" she said getting tired talking. "So this is what Despair really feels like... Despair~"

"Leave. Now." I said stomping my foot on the ground.

"Sis~ Don't be so mean~!"

"Leave!" I said pushing her out the window.

"Aaaaaah!" I hear a faint sound slowly vanishing.

I layed onto Nagito's fluffy bed, a sweet essence entering my nostrils. I took his pillow and hugged it tight to my chest, drifting away into a deep sleep.

Nagito's POV
I entered my room with both drinks in hand. I called for (y/n) but she didn't answer. I take a look in my room, to find a sleeping (y/n) on my bed. She looked so peaceful and cute... I didn't want to wake her up. I let the drinks on a near table. I layed near her, playing with her (h/c) colored hair. The evening sun rays illuminate her angelic features perfectly. I want to tell (y/n) she is perfect, but I don't want to offend her. There isn't such word to describe my (y/n). No one can get in the way of my love for (y/n). Maybe over my dead corpse, as if I would be allowed to die. I have a reason to fight for now, and I'm never letting it go. I'll never die as long as my (y/n) is here. I don't know what got to me all of a sudden... I guess it's easy to find out what's happening... I'm falling for her. Hard.

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