Chapter Two

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Word Count: 1428

"Now wait just a damn minute here! What do you mean we cannot go? You got a problem with us going, beside us being women?!!" snapped Alexandra. "I have my reasons why you're not going! And my answer still stands! None of you are going!!" Thorin said, sharply. "But we have no where else to go! We have no home, we have no fucking money! What are we going to do, live the rest of our lives out in the wild?!" shouted Sadie. "I said you're not going! Now get out of my face!!" shouted Thorin, in a rage. "You are a cold, selflish, heartless bastard! And I despise you!!" shouted Madison angrily, and she slammed her bags on the floor, and stormed out of the dining room. This had really angered the wizard. "I hope you're really happy, Thorin--you've upset a woman with extremely good powers. Have I forgot to mention that these women too, are witches?" fumed Gandalf. "Oh shit! Here we go!" groaned Sadie.

And this really made Thorin and the dwarves angry. They didn't like the sound of having three witches going with them at all. Now all the dwarves, including Thorin began yelling at once. "SILENCE!!" The wizard yelled, and the room fell quickly silent. "These girls maybe witches, but they will not harm any of you! And this is the very reason why I want them to come along, because they will help you! You will make a grave mistake if you don't agree to let them come along! And like Madison had said before, they had no where else to go--and they can't be left out in the wild." continued Gandalf. "I'm afraid Gandalf is right, laddie. These poor girls have no home, and no where to go--they have no other choice but to come with us!" spoke up Balin. "Alright, alright! They can come! But let me remind you, Gandalf, they are your responsibility, not mine! Now let's begin the meeting, shall we?" said Thorin. And so everyone sat down at the dining room table. Sadie and Alexandra just stood there, as they weren't for sure where they're going to sit, until Fili spoke up to them.

"You two can sit with us!" beamed the blonde haired dwarf. "We won't be any trouble, I promise you!" said Kili, grinning. Sadie didn't have to answer, she quickly walked over and sat next to Kili, while Alexandra took her place in between Fili and Kili. "Look Sadie, I've became the center of a Fili and Kili sandwich!" said Alexandra with a chuckle. Sadie laughed as well as Fili and Kili. "All we need is the condiments!" chuckled Fili. Suddenly Thorin shot over them a glare, as if to quiet them down, and of course, they fell silent. Two hours later, the meeting came to an end, and Thorin instructed Balin to make out contracts for Bilbo, and the Van Buren Sisters. After Balin finished filling out a contract for Madison, he looked around the room. "Where is Miss Madison?" asked the older dwarf. "She went outside after her angry burst from earlier." replied Gloin. "I will take the contract out to her." spoke up Thorin, as he grabbed the contract. "Listen Thorin, you go talk to my sister, don't you lay a hand on her!" warned Sadie. "Or else we'll turn you into a toadstool!" joked Alexandra, grinning.

Fili and Kili laughed. Thorin snorted, and he walked away as he went to find Madison. It didn't take long for Thorin to find the oldest Van Buren Sister. He saw Madison sitting outside alone on Bilbo's front porch, on a bench, smoking a cigarette."Miss Van Buren?" spoke up Thorin. "Crap! It's you! What do you want?!" grumbled Madison angrily. "Gandalf has convinced me of allowing you and your sisters to join us on the quest, and I've got the contract here for you to sign." said Thorin. "I thought you said you didn't want me to go, Thorin? Those words you spoke inside really gotten me upset you know!" snapped Madison. "Yes about that, I apologize for the harsh words. Gandalf has told me you have no home to go back to!" said Thorin. "You don't know the half of it!" grumbled Madison, sadly. "What do you mean?" asked Thorin. "We got evicted from our home--in other words we got thrown out, because we're witches! What does that tell you? It's like no matter where we go, it's like we don't belong, anywhere! We done no harm to anyone, why do we get this treatment?!" said Madison sharply, as tossed a rock across Bilbo's yard.

Thorin remained silent--he honestly didn't know what to say on Madison's words. "Being witches have been a long life struggle for my sisters and I, because we want to live a normal life, like everyone else--and it's hard." continued Madison. "How old you?" asked Thorin. "I'm 373 years old, Thorin, believe it or not." said Madison. Thorin laughed. "What's so funny?" asked Madison, sharply. "It's just that you don't even look that old! You're two hundred years older than myself!" said Thorin. Madison sighed. "Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut!" grumbled Madison. "Look, I'm sorry--I didn't mean to offend! Maybe we should go on inside. It's getting a little chilly out here! You don't want to catch a cold." said Thorin. Madison nodded, and she stood up, following the dwarf inside Bilbo's house.


Once they entered the house, Thorin had given Balin Madison's signed contract, and they soon entered Bilbo's sitting room. Sadie and Alexandra are already in the room, sitting next to Kili and Dwalin. Madison also took notice many of the dwarves had taken out their musical instruments, and began tuning them. Thorin took a seat by the fireplace next to Balin, while Madison sat in between the two dwarves. "Did anyone remember to bring my instrument inside?" called out Thorin. "Oh, I'm sorry, Thorin! I'll go get it for you!" said Dwalin, as he quickly stood up and left the room. Shortly, Dwalin came back, and entered the sitting room, carrying an item wrapped in green silk cloth. Dwalin hands over the item to Thorin, as Thorin removed the silk cloth. To Madison's surprise, there stood a beautiful golden harp sitting in front of the dwarf leader. She looked at the dwarf in amazement, wondering how a fierce dwarf warrior with large hands could play such a delicate and beautiful musical instrument.

Thorin picked up the harp, placing it on his lap, as he struck the harp, and the beautiful music began. After playing instrumentally for a while, Thorin presently began to sing, his deep rich, velvety baritone voice, shortly joined in by the rest of the dwarves:

Far over the misty mountains cold

To dungeons deep and caverns old

We must away, ere break of day

To find our long forgotten gold.

The pines were roaring on the height

The winds were moaning in the night

The Fire is red, it flaming spread

The Trees like torches, blazed with light.

Madison watched and listened in awe, but her attention mainly focused on the Dwarf Leader, who's strikingly handsome features stunned her, and the sound of his voice, when he sang, and the way he played the harp so skillfully and gently--she could see more than just a fierce dwarf leader in front of her, she could see a future King--and a great leader. And now with her going to bed soon, she would forever see the image of Thorin playing his harp and singing, running through her mind. When the music and singing ended, Madison wished her sisters and the Dwarves good night, as they went to bed. However, Madison couldn't sleep, as she remained awake. Madison always had trouble sleeping, and she took out her mp3 player, and listened to it for a little while. But what she didn't know that Thorin is still awake as well, and he sat by the fireplace, smoking his pipe and watched her.

"Cannot sleep, Miss Van Buren?" spoke up Thorin. Madison quickly removed her head set, and she turned her attention to Thorin. "No, I cannot sleep." Madison replied. "Come, sit with me, and we can talk some more." said Thorin. "Uh, I'm sorry Thorin, but we can talk some other time. I'm getting tired, and we do have an early start tomorrow! Good night!" said Madison quicky, and she left the room, leaving Thorin by himself in the sitting room. Why does she fear me? All I wanted to do is talk to her! thought Thorin.

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