Chapter Twenty-One

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 As Balin and Alexandra raced to the King's Chambers, followed by Dwalin, carrying Thorin, they entered the King's chambers, as they found Madison packing her belongings. "Madison, what are you doing?!" cried out Alexandra and Balin together.  "I'm leaving, just like Thorin told me to do.  Apparently he loves that two faced bitch who calls herself a dwarf better than I do!" snarled Madison. "You're not going anywhere, lassie! We found out what really went happened, if you just let us explain what happened.  Thorin has been poisoned--that little wretch Aria gave him poison in his drink, that's what happened!" explained Dwalin firmly.  Oin, soon came inside the chambers, as he began working on Thorin, as he prepared to give the Dwarf King an antidote from the poison.  Madison's eyes saddened, but then she became angry again.  "It doesn't matter--he lied to me--he never mentioned that he had betrothed in the past!" snapped Madison. 

 "Madison, it was years ago, and Thorin never liked Aria from the beginning! The whole ordeal was a forced situation, suggested by King Thror, who wasn't himself at the time!" said Balin gently and firmly. "So--you're saying that Thorin never really loved Aria?" said Madison.  "No, my dear Madison he never loved her. Her whole entire family are crooks--we never trusted them because the whole family are know thieves, and they're con artists." said Balin.  Now Madison she felt terrible, and it made her feel guilty even more as she turned her eyes to Thorin, now laying on a lounging chair.  "Don't worry, the whole family is in the dungeons as we speak,and we will get their answers tomorrow morning--because Thorin will be angry once he knows the truth, and he will not go easy on them either." said Dwalin.  "I can imagine!" said Madison.  

An hour later,  Madison had remained in the room waiting for the Dwarf King to wake up.  And it wasn't long that Thorin woke up, and he looked around the room. "What happened? Where am I?" asked Thorin. "You're in your chambers, Thorin--somebody had poisoned you this evening." said Madison. "WHAT?!" exclaimed the Dwarf King, as he sat straight up.  "It was Aria who poisoned you. She done it to turn you against me--and apparently it worked." said Madison sadly, and she turned away from Thorin, trying to hide her tears.  "You should have told me there was somebody else, Thorin, otherwise I wouldn't have to go through this heartache." said Madison sadly. "Now, Madison wait just a minute!" said Thorin, as he stood up and walked towards her, gently placed his hand on her shoulder.  "There is nobody else, Madison--you're the only one I truly love, and I mean it--it's just that Aria was someone in my past that I was forced to marry, but I never loved her--I fought my Grandfather tooth and nail over the ordeal, and we finally called off the betrothal once we caught Aria and her family stealing from us--I assure you, Madison, I love you--I do NOT love Aria!" said Thorin firmly, as he cupped her chin with his hand, tilting her face, where she could look into his blue eyes. 

  "You really truly love me, then?" said Madison, quietly. "Yes, imur! I really truly love you!" said Thorin, softly.  "I Love you too, Thorin!" said Madison, and Thorin quickly pulled her into his arms, placing his lips over hers, giving her a deep and passionate kiss. 


 One year later..

   One year had passed since the the Coronation and Wedding of Erebor's King and Queen,  and Erebor became peaceful and prosperous again.   It was also that same year, Queen Madison discovered she is carrying child.  Everyone felt excited about the news, especially Thorin, and those surrounding myself.  It excited Dis because she would become and Aunt, as well as Alexandra.  Months went by after that,  Madison gave birth to twin boys whom she and Thorin agreed of naming them Thror II, and Frerin II.      The year the twins were born, Kili married Tauriel, as Alexandra married Kili, and the Princes agreed on having a double wedding, which everyone came, including Thranduil and his elves.   Thranduil and Thorin finally made peace with each other, and even Thorin tried to set up a wife for Thranduil, with the help of Madison, which Fili and Kili thought it was hilarious of their Uncle wanting to help out the Elf King

 That same night, after putting the boys to bed,  Thorin  and Madison laid down together in bed.  "I am so glad you came with us on our quest, Madison-without you--there wouldn't be a kingdom, there would be no children running about! It's because of you--you saved us all!" purred Thorin. "That's what I am here for!" said Madison, smiling at her husband, as she lay her head upon Thorin's broad chest. "I love you, armalime!" whispered Thorin.  "I love you too, My King!" said Madison, and the two of them kissed.   


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