Chapter Sixteen

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Madison, Sadie, Alexandra and the Dwarves reached the Lonely Mountain, as Fili carried an unconscious and bleeding Madison.  Soon as they entered the Front Gate, Bilbo ran towards them.  "You all must go! It's too dangerous in here!" cried out the Hobbit.  "What are you talking about? I don't understand?!" asked Kili.  "It's Thorin, he has changed! He's been in the Treasury for days now. He hadn't ate, drank or slept in days.  Some us tried to get him to rest, but he kept getting angry with us. In fact, Thorin almost attacked Nori just the other night!" the Hobbit explained.   And suddenly the Dwarves and the Van Buren Sisters walked over to the railing and they looked down into the Treasury, where they saw Thorin hunching over the gold, and murmuring softly to himself. "Oh no! Good thing Madison isn't awake to see this!" grumbled Sadie.   Suddenly, Thorin noticed their presence, and he looked up at them. "Behold the Treasure of Thror!"  Thorin said, as he looked at the Group.  "Welcome my sister-sons! To Erebor!" said Thorin, as he raised his arms.  And then he picked up a ruby and thrown it towards the group, as Fili caught it with his free hand. 

 "What happened to Madison?" demanded Thorin.  "She's hurt, Thorin!" Kili replied.  "Well, it was her fault for facing that dragon anyway.  She had it coming to her!" growled Thorin, and he turned away from them.  Hearing those words angered Sadie and Alexandra. Alexandra was about to say something, but Kili stopped her. "Come, we need to get her to the Healing chambers! Please don't argue with our leader with the state of mind he's in now!" said Oin.  And so Oin lead them to the Healing chambers, where they placed Madison on the bed. "Fili, Bofur and Kili, you may go and see the others if you wish! Tell them I'm in the Healing chambers with Madison." said Oin.  And so Fili, Kili and Bofur left, and Sadie and Alexandra stayed in the healing chambers with Oin.    The rest of the Company felt delighted to see Fili, Kili and Bofur again.  Fili passed on the word to the others of Madison and her fight with Smaug. 

 "Is the lass alright?" asked Dwalin.  "We don't know, Mister Dwalin.  We saw her fall into the lake after her battle with Smaug, and she had been unconscious after that, and she's bleeding a awlful lot. And what's going on with our Uncle?" asked Fili. "Laddie, I'm afraid the Gold Sickness is taking it's toll on Thorin.  He hasn't been right, since we arrived here, especially when he entered the Treasury." said Balin, gravely.  "He said some awful things about Madison when we told him of her fight with Smaug." said Kili, sadly.  "What did he say?" asked Dwalin, sharply.  "He said she had it coming to her." said Fili, gravely. "WHAT?!" shouted Dwalin angrily, as he stood up.  "Sit down, brother.  It is no use to argue with Thorin right now. It's best that we all leave him alone!" said Balin.  "No,  each and every one of you is going to find the Arkenstone! NOW!" spoke up Thorin, as he entered the Great Hall.  At first nobody moved, and just looked at Thorin. 

 "Well don't just stand there! MOVE!!" shouted Thorin, and of course everyone stood up and went into the treasury. "Balin!" Thorin called out to the white haired dwarf.  "Yes?" said Balin. "Where are the Van Buren Sisters?" asked the Dwarf leader.   "They're in the Healing chambers with Oin, as they are keeping an eye on their older--Thorin, where are you going?!" snapped Balin, as he noticed the Dwarf darting away from him. "I'm checking on Miss Madison!" Thorin called back, and he walked away.  Soon Thorin arrived at the Healing chambers, and he entered.  "Thorin, what are you doing in here?" asked Oin.  "I came here to check on Madison. How is she doing?" asked Thorin.  "I really think its a bad idea for you to be in here right now, Thorin--with the state you're in right now, it's best you stay away from my sister!" spoke up Sadie, icily.  "I am your King, and I have every right to see her! Now let me see her!!" barked Thorin. 

 "She's right, laddie, please leave!" snapped Oin.  Thorin screamed in frustration, as he stormed out of the healing chambers.  "We cannot allow Madison when she awakens, to see Thorin like this, it will break her." said Oin.  "We'll keep a close eye on her, Oin! What you need to do is join the others and eat! We got it from here!" said Alexandra.   Oin nodded, and he left the Healing chambers. 


 Hours later, Madison had woke up, and she found herself in a large bed, and her sisters sitting with her in the room. "Where am I? And what happened?" asked Madison softly.   "You're in Erebor, Madison.   We found you floating in the lake after your fight with Smaug." replied Sadie.  "What happened t Smaug? Is he dead?" asked Madison.  "Smaug's dead, Madison! Bard killed him!" said Alexandra, smiling at her sister. "Good.  Where's Thorin? I need to speak with Thorin!" said Madison. "Madison, I really don't think it's a good time to speak to Thorin at the moment, Maddie.  Thorin is not himself, and he's been acting really off since they're arrival here!" said Sadie. "I want to speak with Thorin!" said Madison, firmly.  "Madison, we just told you that Thorin isn't well right now! It's best that you have to keep your distance from him!" said Alexandra. "I WANT TO SEE THORIN NOW!" shouted Madison, angrily.  "Sadie, a minute please!" said Alexandra, and they walked away from  Madison's bed.  

 "What are we going to do? Maddie keeps insisting on wanting to see Thorin!" said Sadie.  "We might as well send for him,  Sadie.  She won't let up until she sees him!" said Alexandra.   "We'll be right back, Madison! We're going to speak to the dwarves for a minute!" said Sadie, and the two younger Van Buren Sisters left the Healing chambers.  Soon they entered the Great Hall, as Sadie spoken to Balin about Madison wishing to see Thorin.  "She won't give up until she sees him." said Alexandra.  Balin sighed.  "Okay, I will go and see what I can do. But I cannot guarantee you anything if he will go and see her or not." said Balin. And so Balin leaves the Great Hall, and he found Thorin in the Treasury.  "Thorin? May I have a word with you a minute?" Balin called out to the Dwarf King.  Thorin looked at Balin.  "Make it quick, Balin." grumbled Thorin. 

 "Sadie and Alexandra just informed me that Madison is awake, and she wishes to see you!" said Balin. "No, I'm not going to see her! She has caused more harm than good to herself and to all of us.  And in my eyes, she's a traitor." grumbled Thorin.  "THORIN! She fought the dragon to save our lives!! Can't you see that? We wouldn't have this Mountain, if it weren't for Madison's herotics!" snapped Balin.  "Get out!" demanded Thorin.  "Thorin, come on--the lass is hurt--she really needs to see you!" protested Balin.  "GET OUT!!" bellowed Thorin, angrily.  "Yes, Thorin." said Balin sadly, as he left the Treasury, shoulders slumped.  Thorin stood alone in the Treasury as he watched his friend leave.  When suddenly, he could hear Madison speak to him through her thoughts.  "Thorin, I need to see you! Please!"  pleaded Madison. "Alright, I'm on my way, Madison!"  Thorin replied.  And so hesitantly, Thorin left the Treasury as he made his way to the Healing Chambers.  Once there, he entered, as he saw Madison now sitting up in bed. 

 "Thorin!" said Madison. "Miss Van Buren, you wish to see me! I'm here, what do you want?" snarled Thorin. "Thorin--I thought you would be glad to see me--or at least worried about me!" gasped Madison, as she didn't like sound of Thorin's voice.  "I don't miss you at all! You're a reckless, traitorous little wretch who should have stayed put when she is told too!" snarled Thori, angrily.  "Thorin, what's gotten into you? I fought a dragon and lead him out of the Mountain! You're not going to say you're proud of me doing that?!" snapped Madison.  "I wish I never laid my eyes on you! You've been a nuisance ever since we arrived in Lake Town!!" shouted Thorin, angrily. "Get out! If that's how you really feel about me, GET OUT!!" Madison screamed. "FINE!!" Thorin shouted back, and he stormed out of Healing chambers.  

 It wasn't long after Thorin had left, Bilbo came in to check on Madison, and he found her lying on the bed, face down, and weeping. "Miss Madison, are you alright?" asked the Hobbit quietly.  "No, Bilbo! I'm not alright!" Madison replied.   "Do you wish to talk about it?" asked Bilbo as he sat down across from the bed.  "It's Thorin. He hates me!" grumbled Madison.  "Madison, Thorin doesn't hate you--it's just he's not himself lately, and I know a way that can help him snap out of this state." said Bilbo, gently.  "Bilbo, Thorin is so far gone, nothing is going to 'snap him out of it'." said Madison.  "Miss Madison, there is something I have to show you!" said Bilbo, and he took something out of his pocket. It was the Arkenstone!  

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