Chapter Eleven

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That same night,  Kili, Alexandra and Fili, as well as the rest of the Dwarves are raucously laughing, since Bilbo and Sadie had became the talk of the evening.  "Did you see them Kiss?! Bilbo Kissed her!! I never thought he had it in him!" laughed Kili.  "It seems our little burglar has a love interest!" laughed Dwalin.  "He's becoming the little 'Romeo' as well!" chuckled Alexandra. "Will you knock it off and leave them alone? If Sadie and Bilbo find out your laughing and making jests at them, they'll be upset--especially Sadie, she gets angry easily!" spoke up Madison.  "Maddie, why do you have to become such a party pooper? I think being around Thorin so much, he's starting to rub off on you!" shot back Alexandra. "THAT DOES IT!" fumed Madison, as she darted towards her sister, but Thorin held her back.  "There will be no sibling fights this evening! Is that understood?!" snapped Thorin. 

 "Yes, Thorin!" said Madison and Alexandra together. "That goes for you too, Fili and Kili, and Oin and Gloin!" continued Thorin, as he turned his attention to the dwarves.  "How about we change the subject? I'm in the mood for some singing and story telling!" spoke up  Bofur.  "Yeah!" beamed Alexandra.  "How about you sisters tell us stories and songs from your world?" spoke up Dwalin.  "Oh, I really can't--I'm not much of a story teller and singer--Sadie and Alexandra are the ones are good at that!" said Madison.  "Remember that show we always used to watch with Mom?" asked Sadie, as she walked over to join her sisters, followed by Bilbo.  "What show?" asked Madison. "Daniel Boone!"  Sadie replied. "Oh! I remember that show!" beamed Alexandra, and she began singing the theme song from Daniel Boone, shortly joined in by Sadie and Madison, as the sang the sound loudly.  When they finished the song, the dwarves laughed.  Even Bilbo laughed.

 "That man sounds like a Beorn!" cackled Dwalin.  "Dwalin, Daniel Boone is not a Beorn! He is a regular man, and tall, but not a skin changer--he's a traveler and a outdoorsman!" said Sadie. "Oh! But can we make a song about Beorn?" beamed Bofur.  "Well go ahead, Bofur! Whatever floats your boat!" said Sadie, smiling at the Dwarf.   Suddenly, Bofur began to sing the same song, but he changed the words to it, which made everyone laugh even harder.   Once the laughter had settled down,  the Dwarves agreed on singing a much melancholy song, as Bofur took out his flute and began playing the song.   Shortly, Thorin found a lute sitting nearby, as he picked up in the instrument, and joined in with Bofur.  As Thorin began to gently strum the lute, he began to sing, his deep rich voice echoing throughout the Great Hall, causing shivers to go down Madison's spine, and soon the Dwarves joined in with him: 

The wind was on the withered heath

But in the forest stirred no leaf;

There shadows lay, by night and day

And dark things silent crept beneath.

The wind came down from mountains cold

And like a tide it roared and rolled;

The branches groaned, the forest moaned

And leaves were laid upon the mould.

  When the song ended,  the dwarves and the Van Buren sisters, as well as Bilbo settled down for the night.  Thorin took notice of Madison, whom was beginning to swerve and sway with exhaustion. Thorin put the lute aside, as he moved over towards her, and sat down beside her cross legged. "Here,  my love! Rest on me!" Thorin whispered, as he pulled Madison into his arms, as Madison gently lay her head upon Thorin's broad chest.   "Sleep, imur!" Thorin whispered to Madison.  The next morning, the Company awoke to have breakfast outside on Beorn's veranda, and they discussed the next leg of the journey.     The Van Buren sisters listened in as the three of them learned that not only Gandalf will be leaving them for a while, but they also will be entering Mirkwood Forest.  "I'm going to be dreading to in there!" grumbled Sadie.  "Don't worry Sadie, we need to stay close with the Company at all costs." said Madison.  

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