Chapter Eight

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Word Count: 1771

It was late in the evening, and Madison had dozed off, and Thorin stayed with her. It was then he heard a knock on the guest room door. "Come in!" Thorin called out. It was Balin, whom quickly entered the room. "Thorin, Gandalf wishes for us to leave at once! Wake up Miss Van Buren! Her sisters are already awake and packing. Gandalf really didn't get into why he wanted us to leave so soon." said Balin. "Alright--go and tell the others to meet us out in the courtyard!" said Thorin. Balin nodded and he left. After that, Thorin turned his attention to Madison, and he gently shook her. "Maddie, we're leaving--wake up!" said Thorin gently. "We're leaving so soon?!" grumbled Madison. "Yes, we're leaving! Come on! Wake up, and pack your belongings!" said Thorin. And so Madison climbed out of bed and got dressed, and she gathered her belongings.

After packing her belongings, she and Thorin met up with the rest of the Company outside in the courtyard. And so they departed from Rivendell, as much as the Van Buren Sisters hated the fact they had to leave, but Gandalf urged them to do so. Suddenly to Madison's surprise, as they left, Madison could hear Gandalf speak to her through her thoughts. "Miss Van Buren, I've chosen this way to communicate to you to give you an urgent message in regards to you and your sisters, which is one of the reasons why I urged you and the Company to leave!" Gandalf spoke to Madison's thoughts. "What do you mean? I don't understand!" said Madison. "Saruman the White has known of your arrival, and he has found you and your sisters have amazing skills in magic! Which leads to him telling me he had informed me of wanting you three to stay with him in Orthanc." began Gandalf. "No, no! And Hell no! No offense, Gandalf, but I do not trust Saruman, and I will not stay with him, nor my sisters!" Madison said firmly.

"I don't trust him either, my dear girl, which is why I urged the Company to leave! Don't worry, I won't be too far long, as I'm still in meeting with the White Council!" concluded Gandalf. And that, Gandalf's presence disappeared. "Maddie, are you alright? You've been quiet!" said Alexandra. "Girls, you may not believe this, but I just got done speaking with Gandalf in telepathic mode!" said Madison. "Well Madison, you always had that ability to speak telepathically. That's part of you craft! We used to speak to each other like that all the time! So what did Gandalf say?" asked Alexandra. "He told me the reason why he urged us to leave!" said Madison. "Well? What did he say?" asked Sadie. "He said that Saruman the White is wanting us to live with him. He said our magic could be quite 'useful' to him." replied Madison. "I'm glad Gandalf did what he did. Because there is no way in hell I'm going to stay with Saruman! He cannot be trusted, and we all know why, because we all read the books and seen the movies!" said Alexandra.

"Hey! What are you ladies talking about over there?" asked Kili. "Kili, we're having girl talk, it doesn't concern you!" said Sadie. "Damn! I hoped it would concern me!" said Kili, giving Sadie and Alexandra a mock pout. "Kili, why do you have to be such a damn dork?" asked Sadie. "What's a dork?" asked Kili. "You! You're acting like a dork! Dwarves don't act like dorks, they act like dwarves!" snapped Sadie. "What my sister is trying to say is to act your age not your shoe size!" said Alexandra firmly. Fili laughed. "What? Can a dwarf be allowed to flirt around here?" grumbled Kili. "Kili, this is a serious quest, not a mission to pick up babes!" said Madison. "Great, you're starting to sound like my--!" Kili. "Shut it, Kee!" snapped Sadie. Hours had passed, the Company stopped to set up camp. "Madison, you and I will be taking first watch tonight!" spoke up Thorin. "Well, isn't that a privilege dear sister! You get to hang out with your man--oops I mean dwarf!" teased Sadie. "Go blow it out your ass, Sadie!" grumbled Madison. To Madison's surprise Thorin laughed.

"Why did you tell your sister that for?" asked Thorin. "Tell her what?" said Madison. "To go blow it out her rear end?" said Thorin, sheepishly. "Because she was sticking her nose where it didn't belong!" Madison replied. "Now, Madison, she's your sister--she has to stick her nose in your business, even if it regards us." said Thorin. "Well, this is a shocker! You're the one who doesn't like others cracking jokes about us, and now you're going to let them? Thorin, you puzzle me sometimes!" said Madison. "Sometimes, you puzzle me!" said Thorin. And as that, the two sat in silence for a while. Suddenly, Thorin began to hum softly to himself, and he began to hum 'Love me Tender'. "Thorin, why are you humming that song?" asked Madison. "Because it reminded me a lot of us--I forgot to tell you, Madison, I borrowed your music box the other night--the little black box with the buttons and the ear pieces?" said Thorin. "WHAT?! You've been through my stuff?!" exclaimed Madison, as she stood up and glared angrily at the Dwarf.

"I'm sorry, Madison--I should've asked you first." said Thorin. "Damn straight, you should have asked me first! That would've been nice, you know! There's a little of things personal in my bags I didn't really want you to see!" snapped Madison. "Like what? Like this?" said Thorin, holding up a box of tampons. "Thorin, you put those back right now!!" Madison demanded to the Dwarf Leader. "What are those--they're not explosives are they?" asked Thorin. "No, Thorin. If you must know its something that protect us girls from our monthly cycle. Do you have any sisters, Thorin?" asked Madison. "Yes, I have a younger sister." Thorin replied. "Well then you should know what I'm talking about then." said Madison. "No, I really have no idea what you're talking about, and these monthly cycles." said Thorin. Suddenly, Madison slapped her forehead. "Argh--What do I have to do? Spell it out for you? Periods, Thorin-PERIODS! Every woman no matter what race go through it every month! Don't dwarf women have those?" snapped Madison.

"Yes, they do! Maybe I should have never said anything--I'm sorry!" grumbled Thorin, as he faced turned red. When Madison noticed Thorin's face blushing, she laughed. Thorin looked at the witch sharply. "And what is so funny, Miss Van Buren?" asked the Dwarf Leader. "This is the first time I have ever made a seasoned warrior blush!" cackled Madison. Thorin snorted. "And I thought my nephews are bad at jests." grumbled Thorin, grumpily. "Come on, Thorin! Lighten up! What ever happened to your sense of humor?" said Madison. "Lass, he lost his humor after Smaug attacked!" spoke up Dwalin, whom was sitting not too far from them. "Oh." said Madison.


The next morning, the Company pressed on their journey into the MistyMountains, as the weather turned for the worst that day as they began climbing. It started to storm alongside with rain, pouring down horizontally among the Company. "Be careful, it's a slippery climb , lassies! Don't try and slip off the mountain!" Bofur warned the Van Buren Sisters. "That goes for you too, Mister Baggins!" called out Thorin, as they continued climbing. Suddenly, as the Company climbed the Mountain, something or somethings had caught their attention: they could see two large stone figures looming above them, tossing boulders at each other, as if they are in a fight, which cause the entire mountain to shake. "Bless my beard! The Legends are true! Stone Giants!" exclaimed Bofur. "We must seek shelter!" called out Thorin to the rest of the Company.

Suddenly, Kili, whom was further ahead of the Company, didn't pay attention of his surroundings when suddenly a large boulder came crashing down, seperating him from the Company. "KILI!" cried out Fili and Thorin together. "Oh no!" wailed Sadie. Then, a bolt of lightening struck the boulder and it split in half, revealing Kili on the other side of the mountain, and he didn't show any signs of injury and pain, much to the Company's delight and relief. Kili jumped over the split, and reunited with his Companions. Unfortunately, however, it wasn't the end of their troubles. They soon heard cries of help coming from Sadie and Bilbo. When everyone looked, they saw Sadie and Bilbo both hanging on the ledge of the mountain. "SADIE! BILBO!" cried out Madison. "I got this, Miss Van Buren! Stand back!" demanded Dwalin, as he quickly ran towards the hobbit and young woman, as he struggled to get the two to climb up.

The ledge was so slippery from the rain fall that Sadie and Bilbo both struggled to keep a tight grip on the mountain's ledge. Shortly, Thorin climbed down as he pulled both Bilbo and Sadie back up on the surface. "I thought we have lost our burglar and Miss Van Buren!" panted Dwalin. "The hobbit should have never came--He's been nothing but a burden since we first started! He has no place amongst us--and Sadie as well is a nuisance!" grumbled Thorin. And then Thorin called out to the Company to follow him into a cave, where they will set up camp. However, Thorin's words towards Sadie and Bilbo angered Madison, and she angrily approached the Dwarf Leader. "Thorin! A word with you! NOW!" demanded Madison, angrily. "Not now, Miss Van Buren! You should go and get some rest." grumbled Thorin. "NO! We're going to discuss this now!!" shouted Madison. "Whatever you want to discuss can wait until tomorrow!" snapped Thorin, sharpily.

"NO! I'm not going to wait until tomorrow! We're going to talk about this now! I really don't appreciate what you said out there about Bilbo and MY SISTER!" yelled Madison. Thorin fell silent as he heard this. "Don't act like you've didn't say it--I've heard you said those words, we ALL DID!" hissed Madison, angriliy. "Miss Van Buren, I'm in no mood for this right now! Maybe I should have never brought you three along on this quest!!" shouted Thorin angrily, and he stormed away from Madison. "FINE! If that's how you really feel, consider one member short of this group!!" screamed Madison, and she darted away from the Company, as she decided to sit alone. It was then Sadie and Alexandra took notice of their older sister's distress. 

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