Chapter Nineteen

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   There was many tents set up for the wounded, and Thorin, Fili, Kili, and Madison, as well as Alexandra had a tent together, as the healers tended to their wounds, and Tauriel also was present,as she wanted to tend to the young dwarves.    Madison had remained quiet, as she still mourned for the loss of her sister.   Thorin gazed at Madison with great concern, hoping she would be alright. "We will give your sister a special funeral for her, if you wish." spoke up Thorin.  "That will be nice, but can you allow me and Alexandra speak at it?" said Madison. "She is your sister, Madison, of course you're going to speak at it--if you're up for it." said Thorin gently.  "Does Bilbo know?" asked Alexandra.  "I'm afraid he doesn't know--in fact, it's going to take its toll on him, I'm not sure if we should tell him." said Madison.  "One of you should tell him! He needs to know!" said Thorin.   "I will tell him later--I have no idea where he is right now." said Alexandra.

 "I just sent Gandalf to bring him here, because I needed to talk to Bilbo anyway!" said Thorin.  "Good." said Alexandra.    Shortly, Bilbo arrived, and the Hobbit and Dwarf Leader spoke, as Thorin promised Bilbo of the gold he's going to give to him. "I'm sorry, Thorin, but I cannot take your gold." said the Hobbit. "But why? It was written in contract, you will get a share of it!" said Thorin.  "I betrayed you Thorin, I don't deserve it." said Bilbo.  "Bilbo, you done the right thing of getting rid of that accursed jewel.   And I'm sorry for the way I treated you at the Front Gate--I wasn't myself." said Thorin.  "He gave me that same apology too, Bilbo!" chimed in Madison.  Bilbo laughed.  "Go ahead, and accept it, Bilbo!" said Alexandra.  "Alright, I'll accept it." said Bilbo smiling, and then he looked around the tent. "Miss Madison, where is Sadie?" asked the Hobbit. 

 Madison and Thorin exchanged looks.  "Go ahead and tell him, Madison." said Thorin, gravely.  Madison had a very difficult time to tell Bilbo of Sadie's death.  She couldn't get herself to do it, as she began breaking down in tears.  Bilbo already had caught on to it, when he saw Madison breaking down. "She's dead?!" shouted Bilbo.  "I'm sorry, Bilbo--we all know how much she means to you!" said Alexandra gently. "No--she's not dead!!" screamed the Hobbit.  "Bilbo!" spoke up Thorin. And it was the first time, in along time that Thorin had addressed the hobbit by his first name.  "She's not dead! No! She's not!!" the Hobbit ranted, as he suddenly fell to his knees, as he wept openly. "She's not--!" choked the Hobbit, as Alexandra ran to him, and held him, as she comforted the Hobbit.  Madison knew Bilbo would take this hard, as she remembered how Sadie and Bilbo became very close, in fact, Bilbo wanted to court her.  


Seven Months Later


  Seven months went by, and the the Dwarven Kingdom had been busy being rebuilt and also at the same time, there was the planning of the Royal Wedding, and the King and Queen's Coronation.   "When is Lady Dis going to arrive?" asked Madison, as she sat down at her vanity in the Royal Chambers, which she is sharing with Thorin. "I was hoping she would arrive tonight! I already have a Feast planned tonight to welcome her home, as well as some of the dwarves from Ered Luin." said Thorin.   Two hours later,  word came to Thorin that the Dwarf Princess had arrived, and so he and Madison, alongside with Alexandra, and the others went out to the Front Gate to meet her.  By the time they reached the Front Gate, they could see the large caravan of Dwarves, and in the lead, is the Dwarf Princess herself, Lady Dis.   Soon as she stepped forward, Fili and Kili darted towards their mother, giving her a huge hug.  Dis hugged them in return, as tears ran down her face. 

 "I assumed the two of you wouldn't be here!" said Dis. "Of course we'll be here, mother! And there is someone we like for you to meet--it's because of her, we're alive!" said Fili, as he guided his mother towards Thorin and Madison. "Nadidth!" exclaimed Dis.  "Dis!" whispered Thorin, as brother and sister embraced.  When they broke the embrace, Dis looked at her brother."So who is this savior that Fili has been telling me about?" asked the Dwarf Princess.  "She's standing right beside me! Lady Dis, this is my future bride,  Madison Van Buren, whom came with us on the journey, alongside with her sisters, Alexandra and Sadie, whom Sadie we have lost during the battle.  It was Madison who saved us from Azog." said Thorin.  Dis looked at Madison and smiled, and suddenly the Dwarf Princess hugged her.  "Thank you, Lady Madison for saving them--you  are truly a blessing from Mahal!" spoke Dis.   "Thank you, Lady Dis!" said Madison, smiling, as she wiped a tear from her eye.

 "You have my deepest condolences for your younger sister. " said Dis.  "I'm still struggling with her loss, especially Alexandra." said Madison. "Come now! Let's get you to your chambers, sister! I've already got your chambers all ready for you!" said Thorin. "And we're going to help you too!" beamed Kili.  "Oh, has Kili told you mother? He's going to marry Tauriel!" said Fili.  "You're marrying an elf?" exclaimed Dis.   "She's not like other elves, Mother--she had saved my life in Lake Town from an injury! And you can ask Madison and Alexandra that!" beamed Kili.  "An elf saved your life?" asked Dis in surprise.  "She sure did." said Fili.   "She didn't have to do that, but she did--and we are grateful that she did, and she will also be honored at the Feast, alongside with Bilbo!" said Thorin."Bilbo?" said Dis.  "Our hobbit friend who also joined us on the quest! Mister Boggins!" said Kili. "It's Baggins, Kili!" Madison corrected the dwarf prince, and she laughed.    And so they led the Dwarf Princess to her chambers, and Madison remained with her, as the two talked, as Madison told her stories of the adventures, and life on the road with the Dwarves.   

 However, there was something Madison wanted to leave out--she didn't want to tell Dis that her and Alexandra are both witches.   Because she felt worried about how Dis would react if she would find out that she and Alexandra are witches.  And that was something Madison needed to consult with Thorin and Balin about too.  After speaking with Dis for a while, Madison went back to the King's Chambers,  as she prepared to get ready for tonight's Feast.   Thorin later on came in too, as he was also getting ready.  "Thorin, there is something I need to ask you--a piece of advice." began Madison.  "Yes,  my love?" said Thorin, as he sat down beside her.  "Dis doesn't know that Alexandra and I are witches--and I'm afraid to tell her." said Madison.  "Madison, that is something that you will keep to yourself--Dis doesn't need to know!" said Thorin.  "But what will happen if she would ask me how I took down Azog? Because I took him down in Dragon form, Thorin! How would I explain that?!" said Madison sharply.   She made a good point there, thought Thorin.   "Yes, that is very difficult situation, and you got a point.  Maybe Dis needs to know the truth, but we both must tell her delicately." said Thorin. 

 "And when are we going to tell her? She should at least know before the Feast." said Madison.  Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the chamber door.  But then the door opened, and Dis came storming in. "Thorin, I wish to speak to you in private please!" demanded the Dwarf Princess, sharply. Thorin and Madison exchanged looks.  "I will be back shortly!" said Thorin.  Madison nodded,  as she watched Thorin and Dis leave the chambers.   Now standing out in the hallway, the Dwarf Princess glared at the Dwarf King.  "Tell me something, brother! Why in the hell didn't you and Madison tell me?!" demanded Dis.  "Tell you what?" said Thorin. "Don't play dumb with me, brother! You should know! Why didn't you tell me Madison and Alexandra are witches?!" shouted Dis, angrily.  "Because Madison feared you would get angry and hate her and Alexandra! That's what she's afraid of!" Thorin snapped.

  "Thorin," Dis began gently.  "I was never angry with Madison nor Alexandra, with them being witches or not- and I most certainly do not hate Madison because of it! However there is a problem with the Dwarves that came with us here.  If they find out, it's going to suit well with them!" the Dwarf Princess continued.   "Because they will not find out, Dis--and don't you tell them anything about the Van Buren's being witches!" said Thorin, sternly.   "You know I won't, Thorin-- I will do whatever in my power to protect the girls, and we will keep this a secret--but someone were to find out, Thorin--things are not going to look good." said Dis.  "If someone were to find out,  you let me handle them!" said Thorin, sharply.   And the Dwarf Princess nodded. "Now go track down the boys, and we will meet you in the Great Hall!" said Thorin. Dis nodded, and she walked away, as Thorin went back inside his chambers. 

  Soon as Thorin entered the chambers, he looked at Madison, whom was already dressed and ready to go to the Feast. "She knows!" began Thorin.  "So? She's not mad then?" asked Madison.  "She's not mad, and no she doesn't hate you!" said Thorin, gently.  "Well that's good!" said Madison.  "However there are some concerns about our people--but leave that to me!" said Thorin.   Madison nodded. "Are you ready?" said Thorin.  "I'm ready!" said Madison.   And the two of them left the King's chambers, as they headed towards the Great Hall to attend the Feast.  

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